Help with pet scaling.

Okay, I’m at my wits end, Idk what I’m doing wrong, but I can’t get my summons to scale no matter what bio I attach to it. I put points into it but no matter what the stats stay the base stats. Weird thing is, another summons spell I created FOR the summons scales just fine :\ so I looked through both and compared but everything seems the same. Can anyone help me with this, please?:cry:

They shouldn’t be the same, the two skills are different right? We have more power with this low level of access, but we need to be more explicit too. My suggestion is to look at a pet summoned by item, by skill, by proc and take note of the differences. Text editor may help here (I like SciTE).

Well there’s about 20 entries per level of the Hellhound base skill. My guess is you need to create all these entries for your pet skill to get it to work.

I did both of these but no luck. I actually refilled out Hellhound into my mob and from there added all 26 levels, but no matter what it just doesn’t scale when leveling up. Is there something special between minion-levels? Like can I not copy/paste the same one? I tried to look and see prior but each level, besides the name, seems pretty much identical unless you chose otherwise - they all use the same bio even.:confused: OH also, the mob levels work, just not the scaling. I made it so that at certain levels my summon gets bigger and badder looking and that works. It’s just that on the skill menu none of the stats change like other skills.

There is the +5% and +8% or something like that per level right? Also there is:

characterLifeRegen,(((charLevel/5+2) + lifeRegen) * (1 + lifeRegenMod/100))*elapsedTime,
characterManaRegen,(((charLevel/21+2.5) + manaRegen) * (1 + manaRegenMod/100))*elapsedTime,

Have you modified these equations?

I haven’t modified the bio, left it as is. But, weird thing happened now, I made the Summon’s skill again, but by scratch and just copied everything from Summon Hellhound but now, for some unfathomable reason, it says 0 health and my summon spawns dead. I’ve managed to create the Useless Box as a mob summon… WAIT - think I figured out the 0 health, forgot I moved the bios and mob to it’s own folder and didn’t add the path! >> << But still doesn’t answer the rest.

So you didn’t modify the section that controls the pet health, but you want the pet health to change right?

Yeah, I grabbed Hellhounds, renamed it and put the path into all the summon’s levels, but in game when I put points into it the menu that shows current and next level stats never changes. I really hope its just some simple thing I’m just overlooking : \ Also, I noticed, the stats do change a little, but only when I level up, not when I put points into the skill.

There is a percentage increase every time you put points into the skill. If you want to modify the base stats of the pet every time you put points into the skill, you’d have to remove the per level equations or include the skill level into those equations.

How would I do that? When I click on the equations the only one it gives me is “charLevel.” : \ strange though the equations work for base pets and not reskinned/reskilled ones… Thanks for the help btw.

I haven’t done this, so I’m not sure how to do it. I’m approaching this as a programmer with a collection of libraries in an environment. We have templates that work in very specific ways, with all sorts of processing magic going in the back end that we don’t see until it shows up on our screen. We have three layers that we are intended to play with here: map, scripts and dbr files. The DBR files are really well designed, but very narrow in design. Each is intended for one specific purpose, defined by the template file. Some skills require several template files, to create a somewhat emergent complex behavior. I haven’t played a pet build, so I’m not an expert on pets here. Does the Constellation pets level up? Would one of those templates match the behavior you’re trying to achieve?

I imagine that in the end, you’ll want a hybrid solution that uses skill level + char stats as a basis for leveling. I do suggest again that skill level increases the stats of the pets, but by a percentage basis instead of a predesignated progression. I think the percentage basis is very good for later game, but not as powerful early game.

I’ve tried several different bios now with no luck. Before I put a point in the skill it’ll say it has a certain amount of stats, then when I do put one in it’s stats will raise but only once before locking. I’m starting to think it isn’t the bio at all but maybe the summon skill effecting it somehow… The bios work for the base stat that one time then nothing - it’s so damn vexing because I can get eeeeverything else to work just fine so far. Has to be the summon skill… I refleshed Summon Hellhound and Familiar though, it should just kinda work but nope… Ah well, if I figure it out I’ll be sure to post it - pet builds are all I play really. I’ll do a once through again on the summon skill and the base pets and compare : \ Also, I’ll try to figure out how to switch everything to % instead of the flat boost or whatnot that it has, that and the skill level, does sound better.