Hey Guys. I am currently playing a Nightblade+Arcanist and I am having heavy problems with the Warden on Elite. As soons as he charges me (what usually happens after a few seconds), he instagibs me.
I don’t know if I am SUPER unlucky with my drops, my resistance is just shot or what else. Can you help me?
The funny thing is: the Aura is on in that pic. Without it I would have only 12% Resitance. Also the Chaos-Crossroads Point is already active. Anything else besides the Lion? (My guess would be only the first two points into the Lion?)
With 2,5k hp its a wonder you haven’t been oneshot on your way to him. Put more points in mastery bars, get rid of all these skills you do not really need, yet. I do not know which ones, but I will try to guess http://grimcalc.com/build/Kz9d0H