I’m pretty sure i must not have extracted the files to the right place but when i go in game it shows modding tutorial in custom games… but when i start game all it is, is the normal game except the ` key opens some kind of command prompt.
Other then that there’s no instructions of any sort. So can anyone give me some instructions for getting the tutorial working? Much appreciated.
That happens when you try to start a mod that has no map. You probably need to save the map again.
Go to world editor, open the corresponding mod, select the .wrl file (if existant, if not follow the guide to create a map) and open it.
Than go to build (in the menu) -> rebuild all pathing.
build -> rebuild all maps
file -> save all. If no dialogue open, try force save all.
Go to asset manager to source tap, right click on the .wrl file in the levels/maps folder (dependant on where you put the .wrl file) right click -> auto create asset. Than press ok.
Now press f7 to build your mod and than you should be able to play the map.
The cursor should turn into a circle when hovering the world map in editor mode now once you clicked one of the texture layers (the list on the bottom), the radius is the radius of it, the strenght is how strong it should be drawn (50% is about half the strenght of the texture), Opacity allows mixing textures (you can mix textures, for example a ground texture and overpaint by a grass texture by using a opacity of about 50% or so) And the speed is how fast it will draw when using not 100% opacity as it will get stronger the longer you hold your left mouse button down.
Than there are two check boxes, i guess paint on terrain means the brush shall / shall not paint over existing textures on the ground for working near borders of different texture layers, paint on terrain and objects if wether it should also paint over special type decorations which can get painted on.
If you click “add layer” this window will open:
and lets you choose which terraintype you want to use for drawing.
If you later decide that a spot you drew with one of the layers should be a different texture, you also can double click existing layers to open this window which allows changing the texture without having to add another layer to again overpaint the old one.
I finally managed to get into the tutorial but wasn’t able to add or change it in any way. However I’ve also managed to finally make my own map and log into it complete with npcs and a few stumps laying around =).
Now I’ve made a quest but cannot figure out how to actually get said quest in game… The mod guide is leaving a little left to be desired for me who is knew to modding anyways.
I’m assuming there’s some way to attach the quest to an npc or event, like reaching a certain point on the map or something… I just haven’t found the option.
If you share your progress I’ll take a swing at the quest. I haven’t done much of anything with the map though since other people were working on this. I was trying to get art imported into the game, but only managed to alter an existing texture. The whole 3DStudio Max import ability is broken at the file browse level, and Asset Manager wasn’t written in .Net That’s where I’ve been wasting my time, trying to figure out the basics of every kind of content (except animation) to see how much we can do. I’m probably going to propose a mod later today after I’m confident everything I want to do can be done.