Help with Warden guide

So, maybe I am just bad at looking, but I been searching for a beginner friendly guide for Warden, I know about the Build Compendium, but most of those builds seem to aim at a late game scenario where you have alot of points to spend and I don’t really understand much of what they are talking about. I am kinda curious to what I should choose during levelling, like I been just maxing the primal strike line, and it works good, but when should I switch into soldier and put points in there?

I been following this guide: as it’s very well written, but also very old, I don’t know how relevant it is anymore. Anyone got any good tips or links to guides it would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

Oof, that is quite an old build.

It might be better to upload your current build to grimtools and post the link here. Knowing what items you have, where you are interms of skills/devotions etc should make it easier for others to suggest what to do.

Ignore the demolitionst part, focus on getting the tanky soldier skills:
Menhir will, military conditioning, war cry, field command

Something like this at around level 70

Here is my build, the items are just random, I just equip what I find during levelling that improves my stats.

Thank you! The devotions are good too for Warder? I can follow them as well?

Yes the devotion are the same. Gear should also be pretty much the same.
(actually my Warder build guide is based around Stupid Dragons Elementalist, I basically modified the budget end-game build to contain Solider and some slight variations on the items etc I basically just need to write something about leveling and some videos.)

Ah, okay thanks I use that guide then. I allready put some points in soldier, but just to get Menhir will and military conditioning, at level do you suggest I should get war cry and field command?

Btw, can’t wait for that Warder guide of yours :smiley: