Hey guys

My names Anthony. I just got the patron edition the other day and have been waiting a while for GD, so I am really looking forward to this. I have been playing arpgs for about 12 years, mostly d2 but have messed with torchlight baldurs gate and others as well. I am 30 and have kids, so im an older gamer now I guess, but dont make fun of me because my wife already does.
When alpha is released I would be interested in joining a mature group to play with if thats even going to be available in alpha, so hit me up if you want. see ya around

Welcome to Grim Dawn and the wait for the upcoming Alpha!

I don’t think Alpha will have multiplayer (beta probably will) but we’ll have tons to talk about on the forums when it comes to the gameplay and the classes.

And I doubt anyone will make fun of you here for playing games lol.

A lot of new people joining recently, and that is awesome :slight_smile: Welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy your stay!

Same here, mostly D2 and D2 mods. Played some PoE, D3, TQ and T2 as well.

D2 takes the win for me by far… so, looking forward to seeing where GD fits in the ranking for me.

No kids tho. ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ