Hi everyone, I'm Grievuuz.

I’m admittedly making this thread/post to up my count so that I can PM people for the trades, but no harm no foul with an introduction thread ye?

So I’m 30, played an assortment of games throughout my life, most notably World of Warcraft and Diablo 1 and 3. I never got into 2 though, as I missed the train on that one - by the time I got a PC it’s golden era had already passed.
D3 is boring these days though, I complete the seasonal journey in ~15 hours, and I’ve played all the build combinations available, so I’m getting hooked on Grim Dawn for my ARPG fix, already at 230 hours played and only just got my first max level character.

I hope I can make some friends as I don’t want to spend all my time on the game, all by my lonesome.

So hi :slight_smile:

As I am typing this, I have D2 running in the background.
And I can tell you that the only thing I miss in it is whacking the random Cows with the mage guy’s staff in D1 :stuck_out_tongue:

Also welcome to the game and the forums :smiley:

Welcome to the game and to the forum. :slight_smile:


Still many people are playing Diablo 2. I think the past 2 years or so, a new golden era in Diablo 2 has come.

D2 4lyf :smiley:

Hello Grievuuz,

and welcome to the forum and grim dawn

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:

I’m pretty hyped for the replay potential of the shattered realms, as the crucible is not really my cup of tea. You guys got any suggestions for what I should do to prepare for Forgotten Gods? I recently got my first character maxed, trying to finish the build so that it can handle itself well in endgame by having access to good components, augments and stuff. I’m also gonna experiment a little with different gear combinations and bonuses which is keeping me pretty busy.
Is there anything I absolutely need to prepare or stock up on?

Be prepared to make many many builds xD

Take vacation, load freezer with frozen pizza and fridge with beer. That is what I am gonna do :stuck_out_tongue:

lets play hahaha

my first ARPG since diablo 2 hahaha

I, too, am trying to get my post count up. One reason was because I was trying to message you specifically on trading for an item! lol. 30 y/o here as well from California. I main Path of Exile but recently got back to GD. It has me hooked!