Hi from Germany

Hi guys!

I’ve been lurking the site and forum for a while, checking the new stuff etc. but never came around to register… so, another check on the todo-list :smiley:

I’ve been quite busy on the tq-forum a while ago, then i took a break (lots of work), not sure if people remember me :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, it’s good to see lots of familiar faces here and feel the same old amazing enthusiasm on both sides.

This is going to be an awesome game!

love, pf

Hey, yah I remember you from the Masteries mod :slight_smile:

Welcome to the GD forums!

Hello and welcome - I remember you were very active in the TQ modding community. If you end up doing any modding with GD, I can at least assure you the quest and conversation system is MUCH improved. :smiley:

Hi PinkFrog

Thank you!

From what i’ve seen sofar it does indeed look very promising. Especially with lua the possibilities are sky-rocketing. Can’t wait to take a close look :slight_smile:

Welcome Pinkfrog.

Wilkommen Pinkfrog

Thanks for the friendly welcome! :slight_smile:

Hey hello, the one who did the first mastery mod ever. Welcome! :rolleyes: