Hi People...

Hi to all out in cyberspace,

I just found out about this game today and immediately I felt it could well be the ARPG I have been looking for.

I wish I would have known about the Kickstart earlier as it would have been great to contribute. I would have gladly supported Crate by donating funds to help them build this game.

In that same vein I did opt for the Grim Dawn Loyalist Edition and am very excited to learn more about the direction they are going with this game.

I look forward to facing the Grim Dawn with you in the near future.

Good to have you along with us! Welcome to the forums, LordSav! :smiley:
Younghappy :slight_smile:

Hell and welcome. Where did you hear about Grim Dawn?

P.S. You can still help Crate by ordering a second different edition and maybe give the key to a friend or family member. That will affect future expansions.

Glad you joined us here. do not worry, money isn’t the only factor important to Crate, although funds help a lot I’m sure… the forum is a place where people share their ideas, and even the devs share their current work in progress. so welcome and see you around!

More and more our numbers grow and soon we will be all powerful…

Welcome to The Cult of Crate, as a member of our growing movement you are encouraged - and by encouraged, I mean expected to under pain of slow, torturous death - to spread the word of Grim Dawn. :stuck_out_tongue:

other than that i hope you enjoy yourself on the forum. :smiley:

indeed the cult is growing daily, and so welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay here

Hii myself Nicole I am newbie here.
