Hive queen mission

twice in a row with different characters. quest fails to register that she’s dead.
has occured several times before as well.
nothing to do but to restart game and run down into the hive and kill her again.
seems like if she dies to fast the game can’t keep up. but this is just a theory.

If by what you mean “dies to fast” is kill her first then back to town to take the quest to immediately report it, it will not work just like bounty. The quest must be taken first before she’s killed.

literally on every char i level i clear the fields of eggs, don’t return to Douglass, go clear hive queen, and the kill trigger is stored (just like 99% of kill quests), and after i kill the amalgamation, i return to douglass, and hand egg+queen in in 1 go, you literally get an option where the response is something like “i already killed the queen”

if OP means literally kill queen too fast that puzzles me, as my last char was highly decked out SS char that basically 1shot her in both phases, and the kill was still stored (but once more i didn’t have the quest first so that might factor in)
normally i’d ask if OP was teleporting back after 1st phase kill, but does kinda sound like they know what they are doing, so i’d expect they refer to 2nd phase kill too before returning

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just occurred to me we might be referring to different bosses
potentially for clarification, are you talking about dermapteran Swarm Queen Ravna and the Act 3 Quest ? (Culling the Swarm)
or are you referring to a bounty?
involving either Ravna,
or one of the Bee/Wasps; Ronaprax, the Grand Queen/Ulraprax, the Hive Matriarch?? (Bounty: Hive Royalty - Official Grim Dawn Wiki)

because if you’re are talking about a Bounty, then it’s totally normal behaviour that you can’t kill your target before you have the bounty objective in quest log

quest is swarm queen ravna. and yes OF COURSE quest is taken before killing her.
She has two stages, one wich she is stuck to her eggs ala aliens hive mother.
second stage, she is loose and able to move around.

this bug do not occur every time.
but sometimes the game just dont register her being killed.

what i do is kill all the eggs first ( the first quest: destroy 10 eggs )
run down to the first level of ravnas lair. tp back to town, hand in the egg quest and receive
culling the swarm.
tp back to the first level and continue, praying that the bug wont occur this time.

Try verifying the game files for a start.

how long has it been since you’ve done a reinstall of Grim Dawn?
Medea’s suggestion is faster, but i’d might just jump straight to the reinstall to see if that fixes it
in all my characters i don’t remember never not gotten the trigger if i already had the quest
early days/before "pre kill trigger"storage was “fixed” i had tried not getting clear if killed her before getting the quest, but not after/once i had the quest,
and not since X day where most quest can be completed before even receiving it now

Had something like that happen to me too, but only once. Killed the queen, left the hive, went to do the amalgam quest and literally saw the quest log update itself backward, going from completed to “Kill the queen”. Went back in the hive to check, she was in fact dead. Couldn’t turn in the quest, had to restart and do it again. I verified right after and haven’t had that happen since though, so that should work,

Also which version of the game are you on? Latest is v1.1.9.5.

i have figured out how this bug occurs.
using the 2 “keys” to open up ravna’s lair BEFORE taking the quest is the reason.
so in a sense the quest fails when no keys are available even though i have access to her lair.

just did it, so it’s verified.
so it’s perhaps not really a bug after all.

again, you don’t need to take the quest
if you’re already there, to open the door/use the “keys”, just go through and kill her while you’re there
then return to Douglass and hand quest in

or return to Douglas before even going inside the hive i guess, if you’re gonna go grab teh quest anyway

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