Horn of Gandarr

So after looking into Item DB I noticed the Allagast Set. It’s pretty well designed with the focus on Storm Box and is meant for those who wish to use Storm Box almost endlessly by reducing the cooldown of the ability. Now what does Allagast set have to do with Gandarr? I’ll explain

I’ve always enjoyed the idea of Pierce Casters. This particular skill seems to be good for that imo. So I request that you guys consider a set similar to Allagast Set around this skill with full set bonus granting a skill mod to drastically reduce/remove the CD of the skill naturally for balancing you might have to add a skill mod to reduce the damage output due to the CDR

I think this adds to build diversity and opens more possibilities for Horn of Gandarr’s usage. I’d love a little more love for pierce casters since for some reason no skill mod supports Pierce base Phantasmal blades at all

+1 to this.

I’ve always enjoyed the idea of Pierce Casters…

I’d love a little more love for pierce casters since for some reason no skill mod supports Pierce base Phantasmal blades at all

Also this. When I looked at the idea of a Pierce caster before the expansion, I found that no off hand had % Pierce damage or any support for Pierce and there is only one magic suffix that adds it.

Additionally bonuses and skill mods for Bone Harvest to open possibilities for Pierce based Bone Harvest builds would be nice

Horn of Gandarr, really, is that a real item in Grim Dawn?

I understand that Crate is a small team of nerds who just loves dropping obvious video game and overall cultural references all over their game, but Horn of Gandarr, come on now.

P.S. Just thought of something, is Ulzuin = Alduin from Skyrim??

You mean the Wyvern?

Nah, Alduin, boss dragon from Skyrim. Ulzuin is apparently some flamie semi-god dude (not much info on him in Grim Dawn), thought he might be a reference to Alduin. But now I think about it, probably a reference to some obscure demigod from Tolkien’s Sillmarion.

Except he’s a wyvern. Why the heck do video games and tv shows use Wyverns to show Dragons, it totally kills it for me. Atleast Skyrim did a good job with their version despite using wyvern models. The other pieces of fiction like GoT and HP use fucking dumbass reptiles and call them dragons
Even The Hobbit movie used a wyvern model when in the book he was a fuckin’ dragon.