I understand that as a new player sometimes experimenting is really fun but Grim Dawn, while it has excellent diversity in builds, experimentation can be brutal if you have no idea what you are doing, especially when it comes to Ultimate difficulty.
I would suggest checking out beginner guides either from Grimtools (Beginner Builds - Grim Dawn Builds) or here : Beginner build guides Compendium (for AoM + FG expansions). If you are into Pet builds you can check out this reddit post as well : https://www.reddit.com/user/MayaGD/comments/qel59g/mini_carnival_pet_guide_reddit_edition/.
RektbyProtos is a known Grim Dawn streamer with guided Youtube videos, so you can check that out too.
Having said that, your build is not dead, so don’t worry. The advise given to you in this thread holds true ,respec is cheap in this game.