How are your sub 20% phys res builds now?

A topic for people to share their experience with builds that lost the biggest amount of phys res in the patch.

So far every “new” sub 20% phys res build i tried feels bad in some situations, much worse compared to 0.4, even with armor and block compensation. At the same time all builds close to 30% seem to be passing the tankiness test more or less.

Right now it feels like we are back to ancient times of 1.6 where 30% phys res was like a benchmark of tankiness. I think some of the restrictions on phys res have to be rolled back (or physical hits nerfed more on bosses) or changed in a way that still allows some diversity in gearing. The situation when phys res is basically locked behind few select devos and 3 gear slots forces you into specific items and dictates the building process.

The notable builds i’ve tested included Markovian and Blitz Warlord - both benefited from block buff and armor.

However with puny 12% phys res Markovian, despite having 4.2k armor, handles physical hits from bosses quite poorly.

Blitz Warlord was basically built around phys res cap. Now it’s down to 48% (so over 150% phys dmg taken increase). I managed to die to Ben’s hit + shard explosion under sunder, with 30% chaos res overcap.

Imo with this new change to phys res all boss’ phys res shred abilities should be changed to smth else.

The third noteable example is cold DW Sabo. It went down from 40% phys res to 13% but actually survived it the best, because it has option to stack ridiculous amount of effective DA. I tried a few more high DA builds and they all feel good and survived phys res loss better. Which is not a very good indicator because we are toying with possibility to return to not 1.6, but rather prehistoric times of DA stack meta.

edit: Markovian needs to gain access to phys res. If the design choice is for shield builds to have acces to it, maybe change hp bonuses on Markovian shield to like 12% phys res.


One of my WL was able to finnish SR 135 within the time limit. Now it cannot even pass SR 120.

I lost 40% phys res. :sweat_smile:

Aether Panetti Mage Hunter. Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Was a meme build, duct-taped together by 2x Formidable and crafted gloves, boots.
Was never great damage wise, but kinda survivable as long as you stood inside your Seal.
Now at 5% phys res. Feels the same against trash, until Iron Maiden showed up and slapped me around. Benn’Jahr hit for 12k. Without Sunder.
This one feels unfixable.

Acid ABB Spam Witchhunter. Witch Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Was good SR clearer, lost only 13% phys res and still works pretty much the same at 28%, despite gaining nothing and losing a bit of regen.

My Cold Sabo, Orthus&Nex. Saboteur, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Is now at 12% phys res, down from 50%.
Gained 600 Armor.
Playable because it melts everything, but went from extremely comfy to health bar jumping way more than usual.

Pierce Trickster. Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

15% phys res, down from 28%.
Gained 200 Armor.
Bigger HP pool than most of my builds helps to buffer, so it felt good enough to do a 4-pull. But that maneuver was a bit dicey and not really reliable.
Overall this one feels the same.

Fire FW Commando. Commando, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lost 9% phys res, down to 21%, also lost some regen.
This one felt stronger than before the patch, until Map Guardian pack showed up and the combination of phys RR and Sunder started to chunk this one hard.

Dagallon Purifier. Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
From 21% down to 9%.
I had it build relatively sturdy for a Dag build, now it feels quite bad.
Still clears trash like nothing else, but anything larger is clearly felt and cannot be tanked, so the performance suffers from kiting.
I guess this needs Inq Seal now :confused:

All of this is from running SR 75

Overall, I think the balance of “reducing phys damage” works for the trash mobs and heroes, but the hard-hitting phys mobs hit way harder.
There, the loss of phys res is extremely noticeable.


Just ran my Myrmidon DK, downed from 22% to 4% avg. phys.res., in 80th SR (what almost never do) and don’t seen any principal changes. Still same “Road roller”: slowly moves down through shards well tanky but still not immortal.