How can I build a mod immobilizing maps and mutators in SR

Hello guys. First let me apologize because I’m not a true mod player. I am a PTR player and I am enjoying getting into balance work. I’m having tests on fighting Seeker of the Damned in SR 75, but it does not often appear and I can’t take control of mutators. Thus there are some unexpected variables in my test.

What I want to do is make sure that I can fight Seeker of the Damned in SR 75-1 and have certain mutators, so that the only variable in my test is the build I use. Can this be achieved? Could you guys please tell me how could I make it?

Not sure about limiting the spawns, I think those are tied to the proxy/map. You can try looking into the records/endlessdungeon/proxies files and removing everything that isn’t the seeker of the damned. (don’t ask me which DBR is the right one, you’ll have to dig around to figure that one out)

Restricting mutators is kind of easy, there is a script file for endlessdungeon that has a list of available mutators, just delete the ones you don’t want. (again, you’ll have to dig around to figure out which ones are the ones you want, they’re right there so just look them up)

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For map:
Set “floorList” only records/endlessdungeon/floors/specialfloor_04.dbr (although I’m not sure is it), and clear “specialFloors”.
You can ever set number of chunks per shard by “floors” option.

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Thank you sooooooo much.

Does this mean that I should detele every dungeonset but dungeonset14.dbr only in “floorlist”, please?

BTW, I assume in a similar way I can also select bosses I want for the boss room. Am I right?

You should take dungeonset14.dbr and change it floorlist. It affect 60-80SR as descrition said.
Yes You can limin bossroom variety too.

Thank you. I’ve found the boss list, but I can’t find mutator directory. Could you please tell me where it is?

I found gdx2/database/records/game/mutators , but I’m not sure whether it works in SR.

For mutators try edit script file: gdx2\resources\scripts\game\endlessdungeon\mutatorcontrol.lua

Thank you. I found it. thanks a lot.