When I run the extract game files tool, it extracts grim dawns core and expansions files, but AFAICT not the files from mods archives.
My goal is to alter the Dawn of Masteries mod to add a couple more masteries for personal play, and make use of dawn of masteries added skills when doing so, so I don’t think I can do what I want to without extracting the mods archives. I need to be able to extract mod’s archives but can’t figure out how.
Hello, I don’t think you can, using AssetManager (maybe putting the files in the right directory can do the trick). You have to use ArchiveTool (in game directory) to extract the arc files and the database.
Hmm, don’t know. I don’t use console to use it. I use a bat file. Maybe it will help.
Assuming you run the bat file from within the game directory, should be something like:
(In case you don’t know how to make a bat file: create a txt file, copy in the line above and replace txt extension by bat and double-click it to run it).