How do you farm ____ ?

Hello all,

I’m looking to start a new run for some data, in the same way as I have for Fabius and Shrine. What I’d like to know is how you, the community, farm the following:

  • Royal Hive
  • Cronley’s Hideout
  • Twin Falls

Things I’d specifically like to know:

  • Your route. Do you kill Gollus on a Royal Hive run? Do you kill that tainted hive guard in that other mini-cave in the Royal Hive? Or do you just rush the queen? Do you end a run at Twin Falls in the Hive, or do you then go on to kill some undead?
  • What you’d like to see recorded. Would you be interested to know how many Gollus’ rings / Derm claws that dropped overall? Or maybe the royal jelly drops from wasps?
  • Anything else you might think would be helpful to me when conducting these runs.

Thanks you very much,


[EDIT]: If I could rename this thread from “How do you farm ____?” to “How do YOU farm ____?” I would. The purpose is to find out how YOU farm, as opposed to how one would farm. :slight_smile:

Cronley’s Hideout -

I start in the hideout, skip the shrine area, and run though, killing both wasp sets, as there is almost always 2-4 heros in them, hit the 3 Moray spots to ensure I get his scrap and dynamite, and tend to go just after Cronley, just because I can shadow strike the guys behind his area the moment I see them, making the time it takes to kill them very quick.

Royal Hives -

I don’t. Not interested enough in them to make a run through them.

Derpanian Hives -

Full clear, to max out my heart count from the run, considering how long it takes to reach the hives, I make sure I get it all for higher efficiency. I think I see a Gollus’s Ring like half the time? Hard to say, as I don’t farm the hives often enough to be sure how often I see his ring. If only there was a Treasure Trove in there, would make them so much more valuable.

Also, just a personal preference, since you do this, how would you feel about trying to do a survey of Tyrant runs? Considering you have 4 named beast mobs on the run if you go just a little out of your way, and 1 Treasure Trove+Dynamite, it seems a pretty solid run to check for on the stats on how frequently it rewards hearts/legendaries. And for people who have issues with Manticore eyes (For some reason. I am swimming in them personally…), knowing how effective the run is would be nice.

Check out my thread here, there are maps to show you the pathway:

If you want to know data when it comes to Troves, see this thread:

The above run averages 1 hero per run, which in turn averages at 74 seconds. I don’t know about you, but a full Tyrants run, taking into account finding Bloodbriar’s lair and all, would probably yield a lower rate of heroes per minute. Also, the Shrine run gets Troves at an insane rate. I appreciate the feedback, it’s just that the reason I wanted feedback for the runs in the original post is that they were voted for in my poll on this thread: I’m always willing to consider doing other runs and if other people ask for this one a lot then I definitely will, it’s just that it takes time and I want to make sure my data is useful to as many people as possible so that the time isn’t wasted :slight_smile:

P.S. Royal Hive is the Derm hive :stuck_out_tongue:

I appreciate the maps, but I just want to know what you, as a community, would like to see me run. Some people take the Twin Falls as ‘just the wasp hive’, others include some of Arkovian undercity, and so my aim is to provide data that is useful for as many people as possible.

If you haven’t read my previous farming threads, check them out here:


Arkovian Undercity has been quite lucky for me, Broken hills waypoint bird/boar heroes - AU - Ice meteor guy - Crossbow guy - Kilrian - Shock guy + lots of other heroes and a chance to get Moos

I have the small run and the big run.


  • Check Fabius outside of Devil’s Crossing
  • Check Fabius and Moosilauke in Arkovian Foothills,
  • Full run to Cronley from Old Arkovia, clering all the bosses and wasps.
  • Hallion The Rat and last Fabius spawns, if not killed earlier.
  • Twin Falls wasps + 2 Moosilauke spawns
  • Pine barrens run (only Mogara, Bloodbriar and a spider, forgot the name)


  • Small run
  • Arkovian Undersity all Moosilauke spawns till Kilrian (for component mostly)
  • Salazar
  • Gutworm
  • Hallowed Hill throve
  • Warden + Aethereal nemesis spawns in the area
  • Shrine of the Forgotten God throve
  • First chtonic rift (mostly for chipped claws)

Small run usually gives ~1.2 legs, big run - ~2.5 (record is 5).

If I have little time I do small run. If I only drop leg in the end of a small run or drop none I finish the run. If I have a leg or two at the very beginning of a run I do the big run.

I don’t run Royal Hives because my build is melee and doesn’t have a great AoE, so it’s kinda slow for me.

My generic route would be this:

Sunken Reliquary just because
Hallowed Hill for Treasure Trove
Depraved Sanctuary for Grand Chest + Seals of Binding
Cronley’s for the reputation+heroes+dynamite
SoT for all the heroes (This takes me a while so I wouldn’t do it all the time)
Royal Hives for the heroes and Gollus’ chest
Shrine obviously

Sometimes to change it up I will also add in Eastern Marsh or a number of areas that have Troves that take too long to clear every single time.

Then that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Sometimes I think about running the rifts cause they have quite a few heroes too usually. I also never tried the hives in Twin Hills but I might add that in now.

I haven’t done many Cronley’s or royal hive runs, but have done a lot of twin falls run.

MY run usually consists of clearing the hive and checking Moose’s two over world spawn points. If he is there, I’m happy enough and restart at that point. Else I’ll run all the way through AU collecting the trove, killing Moose (if there) and the 4 purple heroes. I run by most trash mobs, but will kill all heroes.

Was much easier on Elite… Moose takes a lot longer on Ultimate now so just doesn’t seem to compare to shrine runs and I have thought about skipping him until I get the gear to drop him faster…

A little off topic, but something I thought might be interesting as other future data runs with how popular the shrine run is becoming… What about a dynamite farming run? I know a lot of people hit up the mines in Act 2. I’ve been running Stonerend Quarry (after I hit the shrine of course) as there are two guaranteed dynamites (sometimes a third drops from breakables), Venarius (I’ve gotten some legs and a number of epics) and all of the aether crystals, a source of crafting dynamite… On ultimate, typically get 1-3 shards with is almost the same as 3-9 dynamite… Just a though for after your currently planned runs. :slight_smile:

I farm by playing a character from start to Ultimate Log, then start a new character. I get gear simply by playing the game.

Interestingly enough, I was contemplating factoring in the need to farm dynamite into some sort of run, but for now I’ve just done 75 Twin Falls Hive runs and so probably won’t do another run in a hurry :stuck_out_tongue: