How does %elemental conversion works?

Say 45% elemental -> chaos, does that directly convert 45% of every element to chaos or is it split into 15% equally across 3 elements?

45% of Fire, Cold and Lightning.

Elemental->X doesn’t split. X->Elemental conversion is split between Fire, Cold and Lightning.

But you see, i swapped armor here to voidsoul, which converts %element to chaos, this along with void heart and belt should give me 100% fire to chaos conversion like what you stated, yet i still got fire damage in my tool tip?

I believe the conversion order was skill exclusive > elemental > general > amour piercing
which would explain why you have fire leftover

Elemental->X conversion and Fire->X do not stack additively as Elemental and Fire in the case of conversions are treated as separate damage types and totalled individually. Same applies for Cold/Lightning instead of Fire. In the end, they are multiplicative I believe.

With 60% Elemental->Chaos and 75% Fire->Chaos, you actually have 90% Fire->Chaos conversion.

woah that actually sucks.

Thanks for letting me know.