So I’m playing a dual wielding physical character and until recently, tried to get as many flat damage bonuses on my items as possible. But now i have read that each flat phys. damage source is calculated separately and not as one. (on monster armor) The discussion was some time ago, so i wanted to ask if it stayed the same and if so, then i probably should go for more percentage damage? (on armor and rings)
Here is a link
I`m also asking this because they mentioned that it was not working as intended? and that it got fixed?
Then, does converted from x to physical damage bypass armor?
And how much does monster armor absorb? Sure not 100%, because then i wouldn`t do damage. But i couldn’t find that in grimtools (only the armor value).
Yeah, as an auto attacker i also use him. (here my test build So if it is ignored by armor, to max my damage, should i then go for other amulet (without flat phys damage) and other jewerly augments (the aether or pierce)?
i believe different mobs have varying levels of armour absorption.
Level 6 Normal Farros only has 13 armour, identical to Balros’ armour value at level 6 in Normal.
Grim Tools has some inaccuracies, mind you. But if they really do have the same amount of armour and armour absorption there must be another reason for Farros to take so little damage. His DA is not great enough to miss attacks frequently. So i rule out the damage loss as not a “less than 60% PTH damage penalty.”
Edit: umm, Farros has 40% physical resistance, so ignore me.