The bug with monsters attacks in 1.2 is getting on my nerves, so I’ve downloaded the 1.9.8 beta branch. Can I transfer saves between it and the main branch? Can I have both 1.2 and 1.9.8 installed at the same time?
“yes”, but you need to manually install it somewhere else, and have a separate launch method since steam client will point to whatever your installed latest
since saves aren’t compatible you need to move your saves out or the game will crash if you launch 9.8 with 1.2 saves loaded
I don’t remember if it was necessary to reset settings file (main menu background conflict potential) or if it could handle that automatic, but i move my settings file out too atleast
I don’t plan to move 1.2 to 1.9.8. But can I move 1.9.8 characters to 1.2?
yes, going forward that’s no issue, that just happens automatic, it’s only backwards that’s trouble (similar as with dlc vs non dlc chars)