How does the Settings file directory structure work?

multiple mods use different path a small example:



these are 2 different directories but how does the game handle them

does it just pick one say the uppercase one in mod2? (MainMenu < mainmenu)

same with higher level directories say:

settings vs Settings & Levels vs level etc

Don’t you know that the operating system of a computer doesn’t distinguish the case of directory names and file names? How is it possible to create a path and file name with the same name? :face_with_thermometer:


This situation will be considered the same.

Not for me


Since im on linux

so for consistency should i make either lower or first Letter upper case?

Oh, I see. I haven’t used a Linux system before, sorry !

Not a problem this actually helps me a lot since I’m making a mod installer for grim dawn Linux users, so ill make sure it converts the strings into lower case in the future, thank you.


here is the current order it follows after some experimentation

mainmenu < MainMenu < Mainmenu
Lower-case Upper-case first word upper case