How hard would it be to show the AOE radius of ally-buffing effects?

Hi Modders!

I know nothing about modding at all. How hard would it be for someone who does know about modding and basic 3d modelling or particles or something (I don’t even know) to make an effect that showed a ring at the perimeter of each ally-buffing skill that they have that’s active? I imagine it’d be something like a flat, wide cylinder, as wide as the buff, where the flat sides of the cylinder are transparent, and the edge of the cylinder (which represents the buff radius around the player) has translucent, coloured particles around it, or borrow from in-game textures already.

For example, there’s that in-game ‘healing’ texture where you see little green medical crosses come up over the player or over enemies when they’re using certain healing skills. I wonder if something like that floating up from the floor, translucent (not too eye-catching) in a radius around the player could work, or even simpler, just coloured shimmery things; Blue for Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, gold for Field Command, that sort of thing.

Would this be hard to do? And, would anyone be interested in doing it? I’ve always thought it’d be cool to have more of a visual representation of where your buffs start and stop. This would be primarily useful for pet builds, but also for multiplayer.

Hard? Well, not so much if you know the basics of modding but it is time consuming and tedious.

I see. What’s the process involve, that makes it so tedious? I know nothing about the modding process

Assuming you have the mod tools setup and all the needed files extracted (which can be a very annoying process for some people), you will need to:

  • Find the buff you want to add a radius to, open the file
  • Look for the effects pointer, then navigate to that file to see the what the actual FX file is
  • Open the FX file in the FX editor, add a ring texture at the size you want for the aura (like 12-15-20m depending)
  • Add the new fx file into your mod and build it, test it.

This is a very simplified write up of what you will need to do, for each buff it can take maybe up to 30 minutes or more.

Ah I see. I imagine the initial set up would take some time, then the first few buffs might take a bit of doing to get familiar with the process… Once a good process is defined, it’d take less time for the remaining (but there’re still plenty of buffs to apply it to), so that’d take some time. Then there’d be the time to test all of them… Mhm, mhm, mhm.

In my mind it sounds doable because it can be done incrementally over a few weeks or something. Mkay, tyvm for the insights! If my enthusiasm for the idea persists I might follow it up :smiley:

Yep, you got it. It takes a bit of patience to get it all started but then you should get a smooth process once you understand it all. Good luck.

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Thank you for your guidance!