How is devotion chance to proc calculated?

I’ve noticed that devotion %chance will change according to the ability you put it on, even sometimes it will change depending on if you transmute it or not.

For example, putting falcon swoop on blade arc gives you the expected 15% chance on attack. But if you put a point into clean sweep, the chance jumps up to 75%.
A similar thing happens with dreeg’s evil eye and its transmuter.
I’ve noticed this also happens when i bind devotions to something like slam from the chipped claw; their %chance jumps up to 50%+.

Obviously this is for balance, but does anyone know how this works? I can’t find an explanation on the forums.

Skills with longer cooldown will have higher proc chance. I don’t know the exact calculation, but it seems skills with 4+ seconds cooldown will have proc chance up to 75% instead of the normal 15-25%

Yeah, if proc has 15% chance, then it will have 27% chance for 1.8 sec CD skill, and 51% chance for 3.8-second CD skill. It was made so skills with cooldown were still able to trigger constellations fairly well (though spam skills still do it better).

Chance to proc are roughly basic chance multiplied by cooldown in second (rounded down to 0.5 s)

So falcon swoop (15% chance) on blitz (3.8 sec CD) will became 51% chance.

It might not be quite exact but it gives a good estimate (as 15*3.5=52.5)

That’s for skills that effect once you cast them, there is no increase on skills that have an effect every second (because they could proc devotion every second).
And, of course, it only works on % on attack devotions