How many of these extremely rare pendants does Creed have?

He keeps acting like they are almost impossible to find, but he has given me 31 of them over a few minutes.

I can’t wait to gather the free kitchen set. Since getting possessed, almost hanged, and the world nearly ending, I’ve not had time to get any pots or pans for some cooking. I’ll have to make up some story to Ulgrim about what happened to all of his cookware after I rescue him, I guess.

And no, Amala, I haven’t learned anything about your dad while I’ve been gathering these PRECIOUS pendants and have been within sight of you in the last 5 minutes. Stop asking me! Also, why did you change your story from him being taken by cannibals to just leaving him in some random place in the swamp where he’s probably pretending that he’s Yoda or something?

Does that mean he also has an infinite number of Ulgrim pans? :thinking:

sadly no, losing one means you’re stuck

Curses, I was going to start a collection of pans in my stash on my next character :anguished:

The pan exists in all parallel realms.

You mean like bears?


No, you can ask for more pans once you open the path to the Coven using the pendant.

Probably the weirdest thing is that you can get more pans that have been magicked by the Coven. I think they claim that they use magick to teleport it back, but I guess reality has a dupe bug.