How Many Playtesters Actually Do Testing?

That’s well said. I am curious , how many are the current active praetorians?

I have seen lots of players with that title, but most of them are inactive in the forum, so probably they don’t have time to test stuff.

Not sure of the exact number but I’d say around 10-15 perhaps.

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Have no idea - last few months I don’t have enough time for intensive GD testing. My guess is that at least 10 praetorians actively testing the stuff. So nothing to worry about. :slight_smile:

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OK, that will be my guess in first place :smile:

So you guys have the important task to not make players heads implode after the new patches emerged :wink:

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Just doing a quick count of one’s I’ve seen in testing and I’d say a bit higher powbam, between 15-20. There are 56 people who have the Praetorian title, but of course many have moved on to other games or simply don’t have time to do any testing. Real life tends to get in the way sometimes.

yea… it tends to fluctuate. So you could probably say that active testers will likely range between 10-20, depending, while a handful of us tend to -so far- always be more or less there.

Yes, that’s true. Most of the active testers atm are ones who got the Praetorian title in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Not many of the older ones active now.

I might not have got the title til later… but I’ve been around since 2016, lurking on the forums with no account before I even bought the game. I wish I had more time to test, but I do what I can.

i’m still one of the first batch (2010 on forum with the first playable builds, B6, around 2011 i think?). but yeah for few months here and there I’m not around. then active for a while. After all these years you’re kind of “done” with Grim Dawn to some degree. There are indeed many new faces in the group. Most of them I don’t even know who they are. On Discord I always see the same ones discussing things though. Which could give the impression only 10 of us test. No idea how many report straight to Zantai through private messaging like we used to do in the beginning.

As for making sure players heads don’t implode. We do play A LOT and do A LOT. but we all have our own personal interest/expertise to contribute. Giving a wide variety of input to the devs. Some enjoy breaking quest triggers, others enjoy breaking the maps, others go straight into skills/masteries and builds, others do SR, others do crucible, others read all the lore and look for typo’s and inconsistencies as much as they can.

I personally enjoy playing the content early, because its often actually challenging. Before it needs to get tuned down and balanced for public use. Bump into walls everywhere to see if i can glitch through and finding all the secrets along the way. Did you know you can position yourself in such a way, in some places, that you can cast your storm totem out of bounds and still wreck enemies. Its pretty pointless, but fun to do at times.


Split this off as we’re sort of off topic on the Endgame discussion.

That’s true Gibly. I tend to look for typos, getting stuck in/on stuff, barriers where they shouldn’t be, etc, since I can’t really help with testing higher level items as most of my characters are in Normal so can’t use them. I like exploring everywhere as well and trying out new masteries.

And yes personal tastes probably come into it as well. I can’t say I’m looking forward to testing the new rogue, but I’ll do it because as a playtester I believe I should test anything Crate needs testing whether I enjoy it personally or not. I’ll do my best to put my feelings to one side and report back as objectively as possible. But I don’t know if other playtesters do the same. If they don’t like Crucible/SR/rogues then they may just decide not to test that content.

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