How much RR is enough?

Hi guys,

how much RR is needed if you want to play ultimate while doing
nice damage?
I plan to go a firestrike rifle build with using elemental storm (30%)
and eldritch fire (20%), also Viper.
Will this be enough RR, or is more ‘needed’?

As much as you can reasonably get.

RR is not essential for Ultimate difficulty at all, but it sure makes things easier.

But note that only sources of -X% resistance stack, the other two types do not (only highest reduction applies)

You are pretty much set. It’s standard fire build. You can add some points in Thermite mines to that if you want to. it’s -% resistance so it will stack

It’s probably the bests way to boost damage outside of OA and crit damage, so go all out.

Ok thanks.
I hope ele-storm/eldritchfire/Viper are enough, because i dont
want to go pyro (CoF) and i dont want to use firemine because i dont
like it in a ranged build.
When going commando, do you think warcry is best to proc eldritch fire?
Or is it viable on flashbang?

1 oint in BWC + transmuter is best for eldritch fire if you don’t have CoF. Elemntal storm on Fire strike. If you have Fiend devotion on Fire strike then Elemental storm on Flashbang. Don’t put eldritch fire on FB as chance to proc is too low but with BWC it increases nicely in a wider are and ticks per second.

If you have a lot of + to Demolitionist getting Thermine Mines (since going Fire Strike you will have the 32 Mastery needed for it) with at least one point only for boss is 100% worth it.

I usually bring it up to level 10 which cost me like 4-5 points (+5/6 Demolitionist Skill with end game gear) and it help destroying boss. (Even more those with a big hit box)

RR is basically a damage multiplier above other damage modifiers, -x% resistance means +x%damage. It’s incorrect when enemies have very high resistances, but whatever.

So the damage formulae is like base damage * (1+ %damage bonus from gear and skills) * (1 + %amount of rr you have). Now, the way such formulaes work is it is more efficient to increase the lower counterpart. Since typically builds have up to +900% damage bonuses, RR is typically the way to go. -10%RR in that case equals another +100% damage bonus. But if you already have -50%RR then -10%RR is equal to just +66% damage bonus.
When in doubt I use this relatively simple approach to compare stuff.

Commando is a strange pick for ranged firestrike though.

Could be phrased better!

Resist reduction is more valuable the higher the enemy resistances are. I’ve never played an elemental-focused build so I don’t know how bad resists get, but let’s say you have the mentioned 50% RR:

Against an enemy with 0% resists, that’s basically a 1.5 multiplier to your damage.

Against an enemy with 40% resists, it’s a 1.8 multiplier to your damage.

If there are enemies with really high resists, like say 70%, you’re doing 2.3 times damage by reducing their resists by 50%.

Now, if the enemies you end up having the most difficulty with happen to be the ones that are highly resistant, I’d say it’s certainly worth it; it helps a bit against the weaker enemies and against the big tanky guys it’s orders of magnitude more helpful than going at it without.

2.67 times

Going fire demolitionist builds without the mines is a sin, it’s incredibly tricky to use though, make sure you have mobs standing right on top of it for full effect.
For big guys like Moomoo or uncle Ben things become pretty easy.

Not really that tricky. Mines always deploy the same way - along the SW to NE direction. IMHO the best way to exploit this is to try to always stand to the SE of your target, then deploy one set of mines directly to target’s left and another directly to their right. That way, the middle mine of each deployment doesn’t bounce off of the target and has a clear LoS to where you intend to put it. The right mine of the left deployment and the left mine of the right deployment also have a high chance of landing right next to the target.

Of course, this only really applies to melee vs. small target. For other situations it’s easier.

Are you aware writing a paragraph on how to throw mines is the definition of tricky? Especially in comparison to something like CoF.
Also it’s actually harder in melee, since you need to throw mines in a range not too close to the character, otherwise they will throw them at max range in a random direction.

It’s harder to use than point-and-click spells like CoF sure but i’ve never had much trouble using Thermite Mines in melee.

In my experience and similar to what Dioarchet has said - dropping the centre mine to the sides of enemies means one of the mines that splinter from the initial mine falls to the feet of your enemy. Not a whole lot to it.

Smaller enemies are harder to manage but when you can throw 6 mines down and more if needed (due to no cooldown), you’re likely to get at least one of them close to where you want it.

Well too be fair the only enemy that I found to be a real pain to get the mines position right is Fabius since he likes to circle around you for some reason, other small enemies usually die too fast to be worried about.
I usually just lure him into the traps then start hitting, the SW-NE thing is new to me though.

Theirmite mines will never achieve easiness and thus effectiveness of COF. Thanks to radius and no animation/delay time, devo proccing is also better with it. For fast moving mobs/bosses, thermite mines almost do nothing. It is one of the spells where you can’T use its %100 potential unless against very slow bosses. That skill needs a rework. Thermite mines must be placed in triangular position and form a circle which debuffs inside or border. Then it becomes really good.

Could be phrased better![/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing. Then he started talking about flashing and banging while going commando… yikes.

I didn’t say Thermite Mine is easier to use than CoF, infact I said the exact opposite :p.

For fast moving mobs/bosses, thermite mines almost do nothing. It is one of the spells where you can’T use its %100 potential unless against very slow bosses.

Thermite Mines are reliable only on bosses that you can facetank and I see nothing wrong with that.

Blackwater Cocktail and High Potency were similarly changed a few updates back so the debuff is only maintained for extended periods of time if an enemy stands within it’s flames as well.

Blackwater Cocktail: reduced Offensive Ability Reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to 250 by max rank, reduced duration to 3s so enemies must stand within the flame to maintain the debuff for longer
Agonizing Flames: reduced Resistance Reduction scaling at ultimate ranks to 30 by max rank, reduced duration to 3s so enemies must stand within the flame to maintain the debuff for longer
Demon Fire: slightly increased Chaos damage scaling at ranks 1-5
High Potency: increased % Damage Modifier to 175%. Reduced % Physical Damage Reduction to 18% for 2s, requiring enemies to stand in the flame to maintain its effect for longer.

That skill needs a rework. Thermite mines must be placed in triangular position and form a circle which debuffs inside or border. Then it becomes really good.

I don’t think the skill needs changing or made into a Sigil-like skill like you suggested. At the most, the mines could do with a increase in deployment speed perhaps and a bit of an increase to their radius of effect and we know the latter is already possible as there will be items that do it.