How my breaker (can TECHNICALLY) solo gladiator 170 with no buffs, etc. etc

Well, I understand now, but still, my total flat Cold as almost twice as much as one on uuiji’s breaker with 2, let’s be honest, unobtainable tripple rolled chillstrifes. And if you don’t have those 8% cdr Chillstrife, Soulrend’s SB’s cdr should be higher than 2 averagely rolled chillstrife CDR. Plus yes, SS hits with both hands when DW, but Soulrend’s weapon damage is much much higher than any dagger’s weapon damage.

I mean, I believe you, you are the expert and one of the founding fathers of the whole Spellbreaker meta (along with Superfluff), but if I crit for 400k sometimes, how big are the crits of DW spellbreakers with top weapons?

Another thing I’ve noticed, big chunk of my survivability is ADTCH. 12% on Soulrend heals me back from 10% hp to full hp with one SS crit. How do dagger wielding Spellbreakers manage in that regard?

In pre AoM era of GD yes, after AoM I never even finished cold SB due to mentioned RNG luck.

Well statistically yes and in other hand you can get abundant stormstrifes/flamestrifes of shattering or frostborn or w/e cold affix but not even one chilled chilstrife like it was in my case. With Lox I dont even want to remember but it was like: killed Lox for zillion and first time and got brand new dagger of any non cold affix you could think of.

Depends on the playstyle you’re going for.

Magi’s/Interrogator’s/Seer’s Chillstrifes pack 8% CDR, so if you are aiming for an hourglass approach this puts you 3% CDR short of a max roll soulrend… and it also lets you use belgothian’s carnage for its cooldown reset.

If you want the biggest numbers / fastest killing, frostborn - of shattering is the dream for raw damage.

I actually have a magi’s chillstrife.

I just didn’t want my build to be SO item dependent that it becomes impossible for anyone else to use.

It’d be more of a showcase, ‘look at me and my shiny new toy!’ post rather than an actual guide.

Huh, I think that you misunderstood my point a bit.

When talking about flat dmg im not talking about the weapon dmg but flat addition from devotion, skills, armor, etc.

Soulrend CDR is higher but you will not get to hit SS more often than with DW because DW has flat CDR reduction from belgothian relic that offset difference in SS usage (because SS is already on low CD), but can not offset difference in mirror usage when compared to soulrends % CDR (because mirror is on high CD relatively speaking). Soulrend CDR is/was mainly to let you chain mirror and reduce its CD and thus have enhanced survivalbility when compared to DW. And even if you use nidala relic when DW due to low initial CD of SS soulrends % CDR cant offset dmg difference mainly because of much weaker dot dmg (one of reasons is that dw can stack dot from executions weapon dmg 2H doesn’t have that option), lover atc speed, animation speed and lack of execution.

Here I will write you rough dmg difference calculation for high end 2H and low end DW setups:

Soulrend has higher weapon dmg and lets say hypothetically that you converted 85% phys dmg from it to cold, which is roughly high end, you will have: ~370-507 cold/frostburn weapon dmg (228-357 cold converted from phys, 70 flat cold and 80 per 1 sec frostburn) on that you will add 100% flat dmg addition.

Comparing to lets say 2 chilstrifes with no flat dmg addition on them, thats 57-84 cold weapon dmg per dagger. Im using chilstrifes for calculation cuz weapon dmg vise they are low end, inferior to lox daggers (48-96 cold + 33 flat FB) and even olexra chill (64-98 cold)

And flat dmg addition goes roughly as following: 124 cold from 22/12 LA, 73 frostburn per 1 sec from 20/12 ele awakening, 43 frostburn from 15/12 star pact, 15 cold from chest armor, ~18 frostburn from gloves, 2-22 cold from rings, 22 cold from SB belt, 5 cold from 5/12 IEE, 13-18 cold from medal + additional 20 to PB and lets say only 2 flat cold from devotion like it is with OP setup. That sums up to: 335-360 flat cold/FB dmg added to your weapon dmg, and thats your total flat dmg added to weapon dmg, or in other words 100% flat.

It comes to this:

  1. Soulrend: Soulrends weapon dmg+100% flat = (370-507) + (335-360) = 705-867 total dmg

  2. DW 2xChilstrife weapon dmg + 2 x 100% flat = 2 x (57-84) + 2 x(335-360)= 784-888 total dmg

So even when calculating with low end stats for DW (no flat addition on weapons, low weapon dmg weapons, defensive devotions with next to none flat dmg, etc) it still dmg vise outdps 2H on its high end. Note that if you manage to stack more flat dmg addition this difference will become higher.

About ADCTH since you hit hard you dont need that much, so few % from pants, glove component is enough. Even if you need more you can always slap ADCTH component to one weapon and since you have 2 weapon component slots not be inferior in that regard to 2H (note that when calculated flat dmg I didn’t added flat dmg difference from using 2 components as DW for that reason).

I never managed to get top weapons so I cant comment on that but I can give you some pre AoM comparisons between offensively built 2H and offensively built DW cold SB (and that was when soulrend had 24% CDR on it). Dummy kill time for DW was less than 20 s while I never managed to get 2H under 30 s, also biggest FB dots on dummy with DW were in range of 350K and 2H couldn’t break 200k margin.

Damn, I am sad now :undecided:

So how does DW spellbreaker does 150-170 Crucible then? Only with 8% cdr chillstrifes?

Damn, I thought I had a super high end damage char, turns out, it’s just an average damage char, despite 3600 OA/80% crit damage and full conversion.

Edit: Since you are an expert and all, is there a way to squeeze out more damage out of my current breaker? (sitting at 40% cdr and 0 physical damage, everything is converted)

Tbh idk I never managed cruci with DW SB, thats why I made unkilable 2H version back in the days :smiley:
Though with godly rolled daggers and few other things it shouldn’t be to hard now, but it would require defensive approach.

When comes to dmg output 2H is underdoged to DW for so much reason I could write another wall of text about it, even in AoM I couldnt managed dummy in less than 25s with 2H and I managed with DW in about 12s, though it wasn’t SB. Ofc Im talking about totally offensive setups that couldn’t make cruci even to 150 but for campaign have more than enough survivalbility if in hands of experienced player.

It seems that 2H is more powerful than DW only when it comes to ranged auto-attackers and Forcewave builds.

Also this

I’m assuming you’re not having trouble with survivability. is it single target or aoe damage you want to boost?

At the cost of some (3%) cdr a ravager helm offers 10% RR

As per my build post, keeping in mind our discussion regarding what I consider the min amount of cdr you’d want in crucible (I wouldnt go lower than 40%).

Though with 1.0.6 incoming SOON™ that advice is probably obsolete since the new cruci buffs are going to make it super easy for breaker so succeed there.

So with those buffs you can probably do it with trash daggers too.

As usual, if you have trouble completing it, use crab.

I’ve tried it out, but I don’t think I’d be willing to give up that 3% CDR.

Also, made a thread on the lackluster nature of 2H. A lot of people seem to agree that it’s high time the devs give them some love. But who knows what the devs will have in store.

The biggest advantage soulrend has over DW breakers is its attainability.

While I am certain that DW is better on paper, I personally prefer soulrend.

The ability to chain mirror with ease is something I just enjoy doing.

The exception to this would be (as xervous pointed out) 2x magi’s chillstrifes. With 16% CDR and the ability to use belg’s relic - I would reckon the toon would be unkillable.

GL finding them though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Im hardly an expert, at least not any more so take this with a benefit of a doubt:

Didn’t changed much just tuned down your investment in nightfall in favor of Night chill and NJE, it should give you higher direct and DoT single target dmg, test it on dummy.
Also think about changing devotions a bit ie losing DG in favor of some other things like some HP, dmg and DA cuz imho you are already in area of decreased returns from OA, and your HP and DA dont look to healthy.
That said your devotion path is defensive if you want to make it offensive with more dps you should take leviathan approach.

  1. Quick question about SS and Night’s chill interaction (and this is rather off tangent): But if I converted SS cold damage to acid damage, will that affect night’s chill as well? I.e. will night’s chill deal acid damage?

  2. @ Mad_Lee: A very very very interesting idea I had which I never really did test in depth, but did seem to work somewhat effectively:

You would probably need a much larger HP pool to make full use of ghoul though. So I would recommend swapping out the runebound topaz for seal of ancestry, one of your mog touch augments to venomguard, and another of your mog touch to lifescent.

Would also SERIOUSLY consider going for ravager’s eye on your weapon.

Link with all the changes:

(LMAO. Making it more and more like mine :P). Apologies

Thanks, I will test Night’s Chill versus Night’s Fall. Why should we pump NJE? Is it because we convert some of this Poison damage to Frostburn?

Regarding DA, from my experience of playing 150-170 Crucible, you need either ~3400-3500+ DA to feel comfortable or you should look for other mechanics to keep you alive (like double mirror and faster kill times), especially if you are playing a melee char.

Ghoul is an interesting idea, especially coupled with some OA from Spear of Heavens. Did you test it? I mean, if it’s gonna work like another circuit breaker on SB, than it’s pretty gamebreaking.

It worked really well with aegis and when I had a 13k hp pool. But it sucks the shit out of your DPS.

As long as you don’t get one shotted, you literally cannot die. Would recommend going for zantarin’s shoulders or frostdread for that bigger hp pool though.

You pump NJE for:

  1. Decreased CD on SS
  2. Crit dmg

Does not suck the shit out of my dps if I put devotions the way you’ve put it in a previous link (just 100 OA loss, not a biggie). I have NJE at 18/12 (where the jump from 1.3 to 1.4 seconds cooldown happens). Will it really matter if I pump it to 20/12 (just two points of crit damage and more poison)?

I personally dont think it’s worth IMO. Especially since I dont have the silver sentinel’s.

Made some testing regarding the effectiveness of Night’s Chill versus Night’s Fall. Dummy killing times were more or less the same.

However made few runs on good old Rashalga, and found out that with 16/10 Night’s Chill and 6/12 Night’s Fall she dies in about 12 seconds. With 12/12 Night’s Fall and 10/10 Night’s Chill killing time was about 15 seconds. Just ~4 runs tho. But noticed difference on Bysmiel too, he dies in 9 seconds with Night’s Chill setup vs 12 seconds on Night’s Fall setup.

Also, Ghoul does act like a circuit breaker. It’s pretty amazing for Spellbreakers, basically, an extra life (also 16 % ADCtH vs 12 % feels bit different too).

This is my setup atm.

Lost about 120 OA/8% crit damage, but gained over 100 DA and Ghoul

Ghoul does act like a circuit breaker. It’s pretty amazing for Spellbreakers, basically, an extra life (also 16 % ADCtH vs 12 % feels bit different too).

‘Wow spanks! You’re such a genius’ - Mad_Lee

‘Why are you PUTIN words in my mouth’ - Mad_Lee