My Commando, Mainly shield perks on the Soldier side. Then Grenades, Mortars, and Pipe Bombs for the Demolishhh. Grenado, Mortar, Canister Bomb__ A.k.a running elite right now only at lvl. 30 Shattered Realm. Need to find a way to cut their resistances.
sharing grim tool link is better and easier
my strongest chars have done SR80 in ultimate, have not procceded further because just takes long time. Also some of them have done all the celestials like ravager, mogdrogen, calla etc.
strongest item is very subjectave and depends on what build you use item for, I have some good double rare affix monster infrecent items
thermite mines has elemental resist reduction. would help.
and also devotions solael witchfire and some with flat reduction like revenant, elemental storm or just get cocktails agonize flame. OP note that flat resistance reducs is not stacking only -% are
and how come you have played character like 140 hours and still have average item level 76???
Double rare MI’s are, imo, the strongest items in the game.
Any weapon with the affixes “Officer’s ________ of Fury” goes into the stash. Double rares with affixes specific to that items’ slot are proper.
I.E. a shield with physical resist, helmets with CDR, boots with snare resistance (featherstep.)
It may not always be the strongest, however, it plays well.