How to Combine .ARC for personal Compilation

As my last thread dictated, I’m lost when it comes to .ARC files. I want to make my own personal offline Compilation, and i’ve looked at the thread teaching how to do so, but it doesnt say how to combine the .ARC file. There is one in particular that seems to be in every mod. Text_EN.arc. If someone could please school me (whisper if need be), it would be much appreciated! Thanks

Extract the files of each individual .arc file, merge them in whatever means necessary, recompile them in the asset manager.

Thats the issue, i dont know how to extract .arc and .arz files… I’ve tried using CMD archivetool, doesnt seem to work… and the only links i can find to GrimArc are missing the .exe file… so… is there some other way to extract them?

I’m going to Necro this because I too am looking for the same answer. i’ve tried the cmd prompt method with the archivetool and it just creates a tiny 1kb file with no file extension, or it fails completely.

I’ve also downloaded some .arc extractor but it didn’t seem to have an sort of executable or decent instructions.

Usage for archivetool.exe is kind of particular.

If you wanted to unpack Text_EN.arc you would need to run on command line or bat script a command such as the one below within a directory that has archivetool.exe and zlibwapi.dll inside it:

archivetool.exe C:\complete\path	o\resources\Text_EN.arc -extract C:\complete\path	o\resources

to extract Text_EN.arc to the same location as the original arc. Full paths are required.

Ah, so the archive tool and .dll have to be in the same location as the archive? I did not know this.