How to deal with the tax collector army?

Ive seen around many of you giving tips on how to cheat the game AI by leaving all your golds at the trading post, just so when the army comes to collect tax, it wont be very high.
But what happens when you “refuse” to pay?
Is the army very strong? Do they burn down your whole city? Or will they just attack your storages?
How to fend against them (minimum army size)?

I didn’t want to pay them one time… ~400 Pop, had about 30 fully equipped soldiers. Normal raids no problem at that point. Well they attacked as soon as you refuse (not after the time they tell you) and half my City got destroyed. They pillaged all storages, burned down military and production buildings and also killed about 40 of my villagers although all of them were running away.
It was not worth it for the tiny amount of money (atound 4k gold) they demanded…

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Walls, bide your time, build strong walls and tower defenses, and have a nice strong army yourself. It’s possible, with time.

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You can build double walls, the inner layer is stone, the outer layer is wooden, and then place a barracks at the city gate, repair your road to the edge of the map, the AI will automatically plan the shortest route (the road you build), so that it will not attack other walls, only the city gate (provided your road planning is reasonable enough), the barracks are full of soldiers, and a level 4 barracks full of arrows is enough to withstand the attack of hundreds of people

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Ignore the framerate. Not the best computer and had been playing for hours so the memory leak was causing problems on raids. Had to restart game after this raid to clean things up.


Defences win the day. Towers are pretty useful


It does not seem like much profit at this time. :sweat_smile:

Thank you guys for your replies. It helped me a lot and i realized i still have a lot to do to avoid a massive attack!:man_facepalming:t4:

Just remember we all start with wooden walls and wooden towers. Don’t try and get to castle status straight away. Early on you can survive with single wall and single tower line. Then double up at points of attack, and build up as you can.

It’s a balancing act, but you got this.

Profit?! I have over 50k gold now and plenty of shiny things. Being able defend your things allows you to make profit.


Just be sure, that your gate is made of stone.

The stone gate still doesn’t hold as long as the wooden wall, but wooden gates are a joke.

They get destroyed in no time. The 15 stone for the upgrade are totaly worth it and imho needed.


Thanks for the advice.
Im still walling my town and buying stones like crazy. Mesnwhile, i still pay taxes.

One thing i have noticed is that once you get this army demanding taxes, pillagers dont come anymore or was that just a break?

Oh they do. I had a group of 80 bandits come from the opposite side of my town as the army demanding gold.

I just make them wait at least 9 months and then tell them where to stick their threat. The next army marches and dies in the snow.

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So if we make them wait until winter time to finally refuse, they die to the snow? Can it be used as an advantage over them? :thinking:

Sorry to confuse, they’ll meet my arrows in the snow. Apologies