I’ve spend some time on getting my mod working and everything works like a charm except when i smack on a 2 hander of any kind. Then my char is just stuck in place. Cant move at all. Game doesnt freeze i just take it off and game works again. I tried merging base game creatures.arc with my mod in hopes of the anm in that arc would work and i merged the anm male/femalepc.dbr without luck. Im just not sure where to look.
You need to update all player animation files for that task, located in “records/creatures/pc/”, 4 files → “anm_femalepc.dbr+anm_femalepc_floating.dbr+anm_malepc.dbr+anm_malepc_floating.dbr”, especially take a look at those NEW 2h clusters at the end that cause the given issue.
Thank you that was needed and also needed to extract creatures.arc and insert anm from base game creatures.arc
Now everything works
I just got a crash again and it kept crashing so i thought i was back to scratch. But i just took a shot and did something. I verified game files and apparently there were 1 file corrupted (dont know which) and now it runs again.
For now…
But 3 classes has their entire class tree bugged. No icons and cant undo class.
its inquisitor, necromancer and oathkeeper. They are alll located in the GDX1 and 2 and not basegame records.
What links them together that my mod is corrupting?
gdx2 over gdx1 over vanilla, i pack it in that manor into the basegamefiles completely to avoid linking issues overall. beside that it should work nonetheless as the game will always grab the needed files from the provided archives, never from the unpacked files, so there might be an issue with your archives or you did not correctly added the needed files to your mod. for example, all gdx2 databases from which the game reads are located in “D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\gdx2\database\GDX2.arz”, if you use them in your mod you need to fully copy them into your main modfolder and pack them together into your modname.arz aswell to make it work. Hope that helps.