How to increase base monster density?

Hey everyone,

got into modding grim dawn again and got a question regarding the monster density.
Can someone help me, where i have to look to increase the monster density for the game?

I already searched for a post here and found a topic from kanjineo. I downloaded his “5x increased monster density” file and found only the gameengine.dbr.
I looked mine and his up and compared those, but i couldnt find which parameters he changed.

Can someone help be regarding this? ( i also know that there is the grimmest mod, but i dont want to use it )

Thank you!

The old settings that existing mods used to modify monster min/max density (as well as champion min/max density) were indeed in gameengine.dbr, but seem to have been removed and broke the mods I were using for it.
I am guessing the newer versions of the DBREditor won’t even display values it now considers invalid in the old mod files that still have them, but you can still see them via Notepad++, so that’s why you couldn’t find the necessary changes.

If you import records\proxies\proxypoolequation_01.dbr into your mod, you should be able to modify most spawning by simply changing spawnMinEquation, spawnMaxEquation, championMinEquation and championMaxEquation in there.

I just set them all to “poolValue * 5” instead of the default “poolValue * 1” and it seems to make rather large packs of regular mobs. Have not had time to find a totem or similar to spawn champions, but it probably works just fine there, as well.