They always seem unhappy, so I checked up on them and the food, beer, cleaniness, entertainment is low. I’m going put a pub next to all my fort and see if I can fix that but food and cleaniness as far as I can tell can’t be fixed? The fort is always empty on storage. Is that right? who’s suppose to stock the forts?
I haven’t been getting to that level of defensive building but have you checked the individual’s house? There’s a button if you click on a person to go to where they live. Maybe the problem is more localized that way.
I agree. They’re usually one of the first to become unhappy, but I think it has more to do with idleness then anything else. Send them out occasionally to route some boars or wolves.
Hookers and beer. Need more?
It’s that beer that sends them on a killing spree of violence against other townfolk. Though I have figured out how to stop that cold.
The best (and only) way to avoid soldiers going on killing sprees is to never build a brewery or pub.
You can stop them cold by throwing the battle flag down. Seems the soldier(s) suddenly become sober enough to stand in formation.
That’s how I deal with that
No complaints so far.
And don’t forget to put market near the forts/towers, to charge back some of the pay
I was about to post the same but more on the food as its always empty. Berries abound in my town. Sending them out once in awhile as Perdrix has suggested but I still need to observe this from now on.
I have the same problem, I have put a market right next to the fort, still I see no food in the fort storage