How to lure Flameond Bleu with auradin in v1.2 without hurting him?

Hi all,

I have just started my first character and reach act 6 on Ultimate. I am checking on the Lokkar’s Secret Quest and know I need to lure it into the ritual circle to go to another stage.

Here comes the problem. I am playing a paladin using aura of censure. After patch 1.2 it is now always on and I have heard that he is really fragile. I can replace other items with chance to hit to something else but I cannot turn off aura of censure. How can I lure it without killing it?

Take all points out of the skill.

Maybe taking off your gear could help / make you deal less damage? Not sure / haven’t tried
also there’s a potion for that
which you can buy from Tomb of the Heretic dungeon’s vendor from what I read.

Everyone’s favorite blue zombie has a very long leash and will pursue you even outside of aura range.


hmmm…that means I have to take off the gaze of emyprion as well

Yugol’s potion should work for this as well :3

(not sure if it unsummons perma pets though)

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you just activate his spawn, and run, simple
he will follow you to the ends of the world and you don’t need to be close to him

it does not, you don’t have to take off any items, you don’t even have to use Yugol potion - you can use yugol potion but you don’t have to
^i’ve tested Flaemond pull/activation on aura build successfully myself that yugol potion wasn’t necessary

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hmm…when will he be activated? Once I have got the mythical stormheart and walk by the ritual circle?

Can I just clear the outskirt, get the mythical stormheart and trigger his spawn?

aeh, i don’t remember if you need the black heart/myth stormheart or anything to trigger him
but otherwise it’s a proximity trigger, you get close enough to one of his 3 spawns and he starts crawling out the ground, then you just haul ass and run to the shrine

edit when i did it on aura build i ran up in the corner here

*note you obviously dont’ wanna stand there immediately if Flaemond is in that south east spot right across, since then your aura can reach him as he runs up the stairs,
but when he’s passed the house and going round down the other side it should be fine

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hmmm…I have got the pendant, cleared the outskirt, get the mythical stormheart from the disolated waste. Then I try to go to all 3 spots but don’t see him appears…I am not sure what’s wrong with it.

still have the blackheart in your inventory?

*not sure if it’s required for Flameond

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Yes. All 3 items are in my inventory.

tried resetting?
it’s possible you already killed him in this session then

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ok, I will try again on tomorrow as it is rather late on my location.

He’s difficult to spot amongst other foes and it’s easy to kill him by mistake.

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Does it requires to have all 3 items in the inventory in order to trigger his spawn? If yes, then I could put away the items into the stash and clear the area beforehand.

For me that zombie spawned regardless of having any required items in my inventory. You need to be in Ultimate difficulty and close enough to one of spawn spots - that’s it.


You need no items to trigger him.
Those will become important in the next step.

Get familiar with those 3 spawn spots and clear them from a distance, so that Flameond does not spawn yet and you don’t kill him by accident. When the spot + the path is clear, approach the spawn point.

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Thank you all for your help! I have taken off the Gaze of Empyrion, switch to other gears without aura damage. Then clear things along the path and able to lure him into the ritual circle :+1:t4:

Just got my first piece of Lokkar set :smile:


Can the blue boi finally become invulnerable? Please? Pretty please with cherry on top?

He already was prone to getting randomly killed in the pile of regular aetherials, especially on builds that could launch a self-supporting chain of procs. Change to auras didn’t make it any better. It’s not hard to lure him, but it’s 100% annoying, always.

There’s really no reason for him to not be invulnerable. Other than basic dev sadism. Which is a fair reason, but still.