How to make an Arc file

Ok so here is a question, how does one make the arc files. Every time I hit Archive => Build, it does nothing but build the templates arc file and none of the other arc files. Do the Scripts, Grimmest and other additional resource folders need to be in the database folder instead of the resource folder or the source folder? or is this not possible to do using Asset Manager and I should be using something else to compile arc files?

Edit 2, So I ran into an issue when I compile using ArchiveTool.exe it requires a base path and apparently it puts that as the file name into the arc file, so the file goes from looking like this

archivetool scripts.arc -list

to this

archivetool scripts.arc -list
c:/users/***/desktop/gd modding/mods/grimmest/grimmest.lua
c:/users/***/desktop/gd modding/mods/grimmest/grimmest_tables.lua

I have no idea how to stop it from putting in the whole path. The command is as follows

-update <directory> <base> [compression (0-9)]: update a file/directory

I’ve tried putting in the following for the base:

  • nothing
  • “”
  • “/”
  • “\”
  • “.”

nothing seems to work, it will either not compile or put in the entire path of the file. I also tried reproducing the directory by putting everything in a scripts folder, but that did the same thing.

If anyone has any idea on this it would be helpful and appreciated.

  1. Select “Assets” tab at AssetManager and there RMB-> Build
  2. Copy Archivetool.exe and zlibwapi.dll to mod/modname/resource folder and use next batch:
    archivetool <arcname>.arc -update . <arcname> 6

For your example it will probably archivetool scripts.arc -update . scripts 6

If AssetManager does not create the .arc, you have not created assets files for the scripts. Right-click on them and do so.