How to make money?

Find a gold mine, dig the gold, and produce money. I was shocked that this was possible.

Another option is like mentioned the using the trade building (this is by far the best solution.)

The best is to get the third tier houses, they generate the most money (fourth tier are even better, but they have big demands.

Transfer items ā€“ thatā€™s where Iā€™m stuck. How do I do that? Evidently itā€™s not enough just to mark an item ā€œkeep in stock?ā€ Iā€™m in desperate need of gold ingots. Or is there some other medium of exchange? Barter?

As said use the transfer item slider to decide how much you want to put into the trading post. Then I guess hit the keep in stock icon. Iā€™ve never used that myself so not sure how it works. And no, thereā€™s no barter system.

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I finally figured that out just about a half hour ago! Actually I was rather proud of myself for figuring it out, and made my first Trading Post sale!

But what of the hunters, fisher folk, and the foragers having so much in their storage that should be in the main storage building? How do we get those items to the main storage? My people are starving, yet the hunters and fisherfolk, especially, and to a lesser degree the foragers, have full storage in their huts!

:woman_shrugging: Seems to not be working properly atm.

The guys who stock the market and the civilians stocking their homes should pick up items at the foraging/hunting/fishing huts. If you really want to move them to your storage, you could try using your trade post for that. Transfer the items to your trade post (they will pick it up from the huts) and then transfer them back to global storage. It should put it in your warehouses or root cellars.

Iā€™m still somewhat confused about trading. I have more success selling or buying when the vendor of the wares is either only buying or only selling. When the vendor is doing both, it gets confusing and sometimes doesnā€™t seem to work. Or thereā€™s something Iā€™m missing. At times, when Iā€™m dealing with a vendor who buys and sells a particular product, and Iā€™m trying to sell what I have, I go to the buy/sell window and see only the options to buy. Frustrating when I want to sell. Thereā€™s a part where thereā€™s an image of the goods on the left with a zero, then a box with the image indicating gold, and some dashes, and on the right also an image of the goods and a zero. Iā€™ve clicked on that, but nothing happens.

I think it may be working intermittently. Sometimes, Iā€™ll go into the buy/sell window and see the slider about midway along, so you can move it to the right to sell or the left to buy (I think thatā€™s right), but sometimes the slider is all the way to the left or all the way to the right.

I also sometimes miss the vendor altogether when Iā€™m busy trying to build buildings or get a lot of trees chopped or have to go looking for stone. Maybe a little bell tone when a vendor gets to the Trading Post?

I just find gold mines and mine the gold. Then turn that into gold bars. That is enough to handle day to day stuff and then trading gets the rest.

Iā€™ve done some more playing around and these are some things I found that are handy early on to make gold or save gold.
The healer is very costly and you donā€™t need it most of the times. A sick villager will get better on their own most often, itā€™s only when the worsen that I switch on my healer. All the other time, I remove the worker and itā€™s not costing me 30 gold. This will make a huge difference to your budget early on.
If you place your forager, hunter and fisher within the area serviced by the market, they each generate 1 gold. Not much, but a big change early on. I all of a sudden think of an exploit that I might try. Do they still generate gold if turned off? If so, a single market with loads of inactive food buildings around could be a real money maker.

Try candle production as early as possible, candles sell well in trade and you just need to place a couple of bee hives (in youā€™re town) and a candle shop. It also needs firewood, but that is it. The population also needs either candles or pottery. In some maps clay is not available. Candles are the saving grace.

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I found that soap and shoes sell really well and are easy to make at the beginning. try that.

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They do. You can apparently have dozens of hunting huts with no worker slots (though still turned on per se, I think) and get 1 gold per month for each in the radius of a market.
Someone also suggested that duplicate markets actually create more income from the same number of houses.
You can also delete unbuild stone roads and see the required stone magically appear, enormously shorten the time it takes to build a new field by covering most of it in construction sites, and probably a whole lot more.

Come to think of it, I havenā€™t actually checked whether all of those have been reported as bugs yet.

Once you have the trading post, itā€™s easy to make money by doing ā€œarbitrageā€ (that is if you donā€™t miss the traders passing).
My son was shocked when I showed him how to do it (going from 200 gold to more than 2000 by doing nothing else than buying from one to sell to the other).

Once you get the foundry (if you have gold on your map), itā€™s really easy to have no gold problems for the remainder of the game (but protect it against raiders).

The other ways to make money (luxury items, upgraded homes, etcā€¦) are not on the same level.


also, make sure you have enough candles and pottery to sell at the market for your tier2 houses. the more tier 2 houses you have buying candles and pottery as luxury items, the more your markets make.

donā€™t just ā€œSellā€ all your candles and pottery at the trader. make sure to make enough for your citizens to buy to meet their luxury needs.

Before I switched to Pacifist mode because the raiders drove me crazy, I was playing on Pioneer level and there were so many raiders flooding in that they did a tremendous amount of damage before I was able to get my barracks and armory completed. Thatā€™s when and why I decided to play on Pacifist mode! So, yes, you can get large parcels of raiders. 20 is not outside the realm of possibility. I had 26!

it gets higher each time, I had 57, thankfully they looted a lot of stuff and then ran away instead of destroying my city.

One thing I donā€™t think has been mentioned is to upgrade your houses as quickly as possible. This has two impacts on gold income. 1) Homestead and up pay rent, the higher the house, the more rent. 2) each house level after the first can use not only the luxury goods that are needed to grow the building, but also all the luxury goods of the previous level. Manors can also use spices for a HUGE luxury gold boost.

I mentioned it ā€¦ but it really doesnā€™t compare to the gains with trading or the foundry ā€¦ that is until you have lots of them of course.

Why have Healer Houses? Of course to heal Workers, but more important to increase Desirability, and so build a Healer House early on when you need to boost Des the most, and try to keep a bit of Gold on hand at all times to keep it and your Compost Pit from shutting down.

Healing Workers and boosting Desirability with Healer Houses ā€“ thatā€™s some smart strategy right there! Itā€™s all about that early game hustle. And keeping the Gold flowing to avoid shutdowns ā€“ essential move! By the way, ever thought about how to make money online in your in-game world? Maybe a virtual side hustle could add a little extra gold to the coffers!