How to make your own Gladiator: a guide

Can I trouble you for the math?

EDIT: In my very first post here, someone mentioned that OA/DA debuffs are less effective than flat OA/DA stacking because flat OA/DA gets boosted by your %OA/DA bonuses.

Can you, from the PTH and CC formula ( ) explain that rule of thumb?

PTH = (OA-DA+1275)/15

Seems to me that the reduction vs. gain is purely additive. A reduction of DA with 180 gives same CC as if you would add 180 to OA. Or is it (as the poster above me suggested) the %OA you can stack with gear, skills and devotion?

Another question: how can you actually play crucible, the amount of flashy effects is giving me an epileptic seizure. Completely un-playable.

I checked this out to confirm: 2820 enemy OA vs 3000 defender DA is 84.9 PTH, while 3000 enemy OA vs 3180 defender DA is 85.0 PTH. It’s a little difference, but if you stack it enough, difference skyrockets.

Thank you for correction!

OP updated.

Every character I know have both flat and % DA in their DA chart, so I think this difference can be ignored. Stacking DA and shredding enemy OA are different, you can use both mechanics if you can, you basically want the result.

i read every single part of it… well done man.

waiting more :smiley:

Thinking about expansions to this guide, but most probably I described all this game has to offer.
Except Auramancers and Retaliators probably, but I don’t play them anyway :slight_smile:

Excellent guide, veretragna. That must have been a lot of work.

Is here someone interested in a russian translation of this guide? I’ll anyway post this in VK group, but is it needed here as well?
Edit: I think it’s no.

I think with the number of views that these threads get, it’s safe to say that a Russian translation would be appreciated. But you probably won’t get a reply. I think this board has about a 30:1 lurker/user ratio…


  • Highlighted some things that may be hard to see over the guide.
  • Added the remark on stacking OA more than 3700 in chapter I. 5. 3.
  • Extended the description of Ulo constellation in chapter II. 2. 6.
  • Added Avatar of Mercy to circuit breakers list in chapter II. 2. 8.
  • Added the remark on CDR impact on Celestial powers in chapter II. 2. 9.
  • Added a little chapter II. 2. 11: Dodge and deflect chance.

Credits to @Safarel.

Haven’t read it in depth, but in case you didn’t mention it - %CDR does NOT affect item granted skills like doomforce, or bloodthirster.

DSIT: However, IIRC, -x CDR applies to it (e.g. aeons).

You want me to describe full game mechanics in a short guide? :smiley:
I highlighted what is important for Gladiator and that’s it.
Edit: hm, now I think it’s worth mentioning, though.

Edit2: added this: “Item granted active skills (Doomforce, Bloodthirster etc.) are not affected by % CDR but are affected by -x seconds CDR.
Item granted passive skills (Divine Light etc.) are not affected by any kind of CDR.”

Hahahahahaha. Sorry veretragna. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad that you add my little edits.
Good guide anyway.

You are welcome!


  • Added Ravager’s Eye and Potent Ravager’s Eye in the list of easy ways to obtain DA in chapter II. 1. 3.
  • Expanded the explanations for shield-wielding characters in chapter II. 2. 10.
  • Expanded the list of characters making good use of CDR in chapter II. 2. 9, also made a correction: CDR “stacks” instead of “can stack”.
  • Added a “Credits” section to the last chapter.

Credits to @korsar.


Added a link to Russian translation of the guide just under the title picture.

Only Russian translation is affected: minor visual improvements and correct translation of “Circuit breaker”.

Bumping this because I don’t think this guide is used half as much as it should.

Thanks, I suppose that too.
Maybe one kind moderator walking around will make this thread sticky? :smiley:

You know what could be the problem bro? The title.

Maybe people think it’s going to be a highly item dependent guide (after all we are talking about gladiators).

Perhaps a title change to - “explaining the art of theorycrafting” or something to that effect might help.

What do you think?