I want to test out a mod, but wish to do so with my campaign chars and stash
I moved one of my toons without any problem, simply by moving it to the ‘user’ map
how do I move my shared stash and recipe collection?
do I move something, or rename certain files?
They are located in the folder above where your chars are located:
e.g C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
you need to backup those files too (transfer is shared stash, forumlas is learned blueprints)
err… yeah thanks
but I already knew that
thing is that if you put one of the characters in ‘main’ into ‘user’, the character will be available in custom games (mods)
however, that doesn’t mean it reads your shared stash and blueprints
so that is what I’m asking, how to get those in there
eidt: to be clear, even though your regular characters are in ‘main’ that doesn’t mean the stashes and BP’s are, those are read from ‘save’
so it’s logical to expect ‘user’ to read from there as well
which may be the case, but probably under different extensions
You cannot simply copy your main char to user and have that work. There is a flag in the char that identifies it as a mod-char or a vanilla-char. You have to set that for the copy in user, otherwise it will keep updating your main-char.
The transfer.gst works somewhat differently in that it is not simply a flag, but the mod name that gets stored in the file. Copy your transfer.gst to the mod’s save dir and use a tool to set the mod-field to the correct mod, eg GD Stash
worked like a charm, thanks @mamba