How to remove sunder?

Hey everyone! I know there is a mod on the forum but it’s for and I’d like to know how to do it myself. Could anyone tell me which file/record I’d have to edit?

First of all, you need to publicize the Mod name, its features and download link here so that people can interpret and help you.

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The existing one is here:

I’ll remake this mod for 1.2.1 today / tomorrow

It’s a ton of files, basically one file for every skill of some monster that sunders which is why you need some program to automate it for you.

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Sunder Removed ( (373.0 KB)

You just need to play it as a custom mod.

Unzip to \Grim Dawn\mods\

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:+1: Now I don’t need to remake it myself. I could link it to my thread.

Is Sunder Removed.arz enough for Sunder removal? I’m asking so that they could rename it to database.arz and use basemod method for hardmodding it.


Thank you both!
The file sizes differ quite a bit. database.arz was 655 kb while sunder removed.arz is 257 kb. The edited records seem to be stored in a separate folder named “records”. I’d love to keep using the basemods method.

Let’s wait for @tt300 answer. Maybe sunder removed.arz has everything and it’s enough to just rename it to database.arz and then use the method in my thread.

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This is because I removed the *.dbr that is the same as You can also rename it to database.arz and run it in the tqFan way you like.

Your inference is completely correct. :+1: :v:

Sunder Removed ( (255.4 KB)

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Sorry for the late reply but life got in the way. :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for your help!