HS Aether-Melee Spellbinder

Hey guys,

I’ve been playing GD for what feel like over a year now off and on 200ish hours and, since coming back to the expansion recently, I wanted to try and make an aether-melee char viable using the massive boosts from the arcanist and the melee procs from the necro and I didn’t see anyone take a serious gander at this concept, so I tried to theorycraft something prioritizing the arcanist exclusive over the necro. Any input or balancing advice would be greatly appreciated!

I am really unfamiliar with a lot of these new items, and at 2nd or 3rd glance, I didn’t really see much cohesion from some of these items and the idea I had with this. Most of this build was I guess intended around decent survivability while also dealing big crits from the OA boosts from Dying God and a few % nodes off gear pieces and a few other constellations. Like i previously mentioned, I don’t have too much experience with end game builds or content, but idk there’s just something fascinating to me about obscure niche things that people don’t usually try that makes me want to go for it.

Link to the grimcalc below:cool::cool::cool: Any comments appreciated!



You can’t use both Master of Death and Reckless power at same time. Best to pick one or the other.
And since are using a shield you can’t use Devastation at all, could use weapon swap but not really worth it with only 6 points in it.
Max out Bone Harvest and get rid of points in Drain Essence (as it is a channeling spell)

yeah I caught the exclusive skill earlier, drops the DPS to about 14k ish optimal, drops the OA to about 3K. The devestation was a good call too. ty for the input!

I had a very similar idea and wanted to use siphon soul + transmuter as aether AoE around the player and trigger devotions while the player smash with the two handed pure aether damage sword, with + accuracy/life/reduce aether res on necro’s passive, however the problem was that I couldn’t find a weapon skill to use with the combination of arcanist + necro, necro has 50% wps, but the bonus damage isn’t really aether, there is no default weapon skill replacer and bone harvest has pierce/cold/vitality damage, not aether either, with 3 second cd so it’s not spammable.

So yea, unless you are fine with default attacking, I think this build idea wouldn’t be super strong despite being cool.

Something like an Oleron’s Blood active from a component could be used I THINK. Not entirely sure on that one. :confused:

Bone Harvest is similar to ABB in nightblade tree. It can be aether as you scale most its damage off weapon damage. Id definitely use a maxed out Bone Harvest/Soul Harvest in a melee Necro/Arcanist build

I can understand the bone harvest, but soul harvest? Most of its damage seems to hinge on cold/vit scaling, or am I missing something

You can convert cold to aether through gear choices. Also alot of gear can have both aether/vitality on them and are some with aether/cold

This set up will give you 100% cold to aether https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2mk0bmZ

Okay that sounds fair. I’m edgy about gear choices outside the weapon choice and the shield, primarily because most of the “gear defining” weapons I see involving aether weigh heavily on fire damage as well, seeing as they ARE indeed a lovely couple. I suppose I was leaning heavily on the other gear to maintain high amount of base aether % to offset the lack of specific gear for an idea like this.:smiley:

Hooolyy somehow I missed the decree XD