HUGE Outrage on Steam Forums over NO Workshop for GD

Lots of threads and hurt people over the fact that GD does not support Steam Workshop Modding.

In all honesty I also have to agree this was the single biggest feature I was looking forward to with GD when I gave them my money to help out crate with their steam early access. When I did that I too expected something basic as steam workshop. Valve has also made it easy for developers to integrate.

It would be a REAL shame if there is no workshop for Grim Dawn. As for nexus, LOL nah keep that shit right there. I tried that shit once no thanks. I will stick to Steam lol.

3 threads constitutes HUGE now? lol

One locked LOL that in itself is a major outrage lol

Another thread popped up

Lol, john, lol

lol, who cares about the workshop, when modders will probably upload their mod links here anyways?

Let the hysterical 12 years old kids throw a tantrum just because the world doesn’t resolves around them…

I like how that guy doesn’t even own Grim Dawn.

Edit: Also:

Yay outrage culture!

Let’s ignore the fact that some of us don’t even like steam workshop and that a lot of people don’t care one way or another :rolleyes:

Actually, I’m really relieved that they’re not using Steam workshop. I bought the game from GOG, so if the mods were only available from Steam, then I wouldn’t be able to use them.

I think Crate have made the right decision. It’s not fair to exclude people simply based on which version of the game they bought.

So if everybody uploads their mods to Nexus, then everybody (both Steam and GOG users) can use them. It’s fair for all :smiley:

Steam Workshop sucks. Dont so it. Oldschool game = oldschool modding.

It would be a REAL shame if there is no workshop for Grim Dawn. As for nexus, LOL nah keep that shit right there. I tried that shit once no thanks. I will stick to Steam lol.

Typical 12y Steam Workshop user. lol.

Other games I have played: Medieval II Total War, Napoleon Total War, Empire Total War all had no workshop support.

Guess what? These game have at least 4-5 unofficial mods done professionally and at least over 100 of small tweaks and fixes.

Crate is in a hard position because many of its subscribers don’t use STEAM; so enabling workshop would clearly prejudice one group over another.

I highly doubt that’s a concern. Setting it up is a matter of being worth the effort.

Also to the OP, politely making a case that there is demand for it is probably better than manufacturing an outrage. :smiley:

Yeah, the better mods are forbidden from SteamWorkshop, for these mods could prevent from selling DLCs. DRMs are to compel users to strictly use the official games, however the bad mods are agreed on SteamWorkshop for they few compete with the DLCs. Steam is like EA, UBI and so.
Crate proves at last becoming an indy company, after they had to depend on Steam for their beta.

I praise the ThirdAge modders! These mods and submods (for Med2TW) are dreams impossible to be made on Steam.


that is obviously nonsense. The same mod being on ModDB or Nexus does not affect DLC sale either. It’s not like it really makes a difference where you get your mod from.

Whether the game supports the Workshop is up to the dev, whether a mod is uploaded to the Workshop is entirely the decision of the mod maker.

how about fuck steam? I would rather pay crate than steam for mods, I bet you in the near future they will attempt to monetize mods again and take from the developers of the mod 75% and give them scraps again for all their work

Eh, I always found Steam Workshop to be kind of a crappy idea. I’d much rather get my mods from an independent source, whether it’s forums or places like Nexus.

Putting mods on Steam also blocks them for people on GOG as far as I’m aware.