Humble request from a very long time player

I love ranged Primal Strike and I would love an unique crossbow or rifle that converts ranged Primal Strike damage from lightning to cold to play it with the upcoming mastery in the new expansion.

Sorry for this very silly request, but I would really love to see ranged Primal Strike some love so that I can experiment it with something new when the new expansion came out.

Keep up the good work!


just in case it can hold you over until FOA , or if wasn’t aware Unique prefix - Item prefixes - Grim Dawn Item Database
scroll down to teh top20 honorable mentions with the Vortex of Souls Druid by Eard for inspiration (or straight lifting) ⭐ Top 20 Softcore builds, ft. HC approved section from RektbyProtoss! [] (An Onion)

*alternatively can combine the conduit with any existing cold xbow/rifle ofc for the time being, top20 just used VoS because passthrough then


I have been messing with vortex of souls since ages ago :rofl:
Thanks for the time writing that for me, I appreciate. :heart:

I just wanted something “new” so I can enjoy my favorite skill with the new expansion or at least look forward a new unique for my favore skill! I have been playing all masteries and skills but i always keep returning to ranged primal strike. That skill is so fun to play.

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But why request something(Cold conversion for Primal Strike) that already exists on that amulet? Doesn’t make much sense…

Because starting to play your intended damage type at level 94 kind of sucks.


Unfortunately quite a few damage types for certain masteries only work well with end game gear

Yeah but the trend has been towards MIs recently and it’s really satisfying to have your build-enabling high conversion item at level 30. It’s not too far-fetched to suggest a cold Primal Strike MI and it would fit the theme of the expansion.


Exactly this! Thanks for the moral support!

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Sure, but what would be the purpose of the conduit prefix then? Just to make cold PS stronger? Making cold PS stronger than melee PS?

I don’t understand your question. Stronger than what? The purpose of total conversion is to open up new builds.

For example, consider this Shaman/Berserker with two good RR skills and x2.5 Onslaught-boosted Primal Strike: Mystic, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I was just thinking about OPs request for a ranged MI for cold primal strike. If that would exist then I guess ranged cold primal strike would be stronger than a melee cold primal strike (unless also a melee MI is made (or cold melee PS made possible through global conversion, but that’s never going to compare to a dedicated MI while levelling)). In the end game you would have MI + Conduit for ranged and only Conduit for melee. I’d much rather like to see like a medal, helmet, gloves etc. which allows cold PS. That way it’s strength not limited to ranged (as in both melee and ranged can benefit from it)

how/why would it be stronger?
you’re assuming “stuff” for the “stronger” criteria to fit
OP is asking for a weapon with conversion
having that conversion alone does not equate to ranged cold PS necessarily being stronger than a melee cold PS; it would depend what other stuff the weapon had
If the weapon had “nothing” else besides a conversion modifier, heck or 100% global lightning conversion, it would make it no stronger than a build getting the bonus dmg from a neck vs the innate dmg bonus on the conduit.
Heck it might on a technical level make it inferior because of the sense in meta where ranged “requires” passthrough to be great/compete with melee, so if the weapon doesn’t have that, it might be that bit “worse” (which imo then wouldn’t matter for levelling which is also directly related to the request)

First of all, sorry for late reply, I didn’t get notifications. The purpose of my request was not to make Ranged cold PS “stronger.” I honestly do not care about that. If balance is a concern, it doesn’t have to be a lightning conversion to cold. It could be just some lightning support in other skills of the Berserker, like for example, a MI or unique medal that add -% lighing res to Bonechilling Cry.

Just something that could enable a better sinergy between the two masteries that is not bleed/pierce related (as there is plenty of that already).

I am sure Zantai will surely has already in the pot some unexpected stuff.

I mean, I could do a bleeding primal strike but the problem with that would be:

  1. it will not be really mainly a gunner and more of a hybrid caster/gunner (since you probably would need to spam devouring swarms and maybe grasping vines)
  2. Torrent wouldn’t be utilized.

What i really like of Primal Strike is Torrent. I think is that modifier that makes the skill really fun for me. Chaining mobs behind corners of a dungeons it is just “fun” (100% pure subjective opinion here!).

That’s why I don’t think that a bleed PS would be good here, cause you will use PS and Storm Surge and don’t use the “funniest” part of the skill, which is Torrent. One other option could be a bleed converter applied to Torrent or something like that. I leave the balance and the final judjment to Zantai and the team.

I am sorry if my humble request was perceived as a request for an overpowered item. I just want to have fun with PS, Torrent, and the new Berserker.

No worries, I did not perceive your request as a way to make ranged PS overpowered. I was just stating my concerns with such a ranged item. I totally understand your intentions; I also would like to see an even wider variety of damage conversion on different skills :slight_smile:

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