I made all three build combos for Dawnshield set - Warder, Archon and Warlord.
[] 2H melee Lightning Hybrid Retaliation + Primal Strike Warder, Ravager, Callagadra, SR 90+
[] 2H melee Lightning Hybrid Retaliation Archon, Ravager, Callagadra, SR 90+
[] 2H melee Lightning Hybrid Retaliation Warlord, Ravager, SR 90+
This set will get ascended in FoA and I have some suggestions what should help. All lack OA and DA and it had to be rolled as affixes on greens instead of damage rolls. All need a bit more damage and attack speed. I built them defensively so that all can withstand SR 90 and kill Rava/Calla. But damage should be better.
Best of them is Warder. I went there for Primal Strike and I actually think this is what makes it the best and the fact that Warder is a good defensive class. More OA, DA and attack speed is needed here. Also some mod for greater area for Grasping Wines would be good because you just one point the first node that increases it. And conversion of Counter Strike to lightning damage would be good.
Second best is Archon. Two RR skills save it. But Righteous Fervor by itself is weak. It needs conversion of both physical and fire to lightning. I had to go for Primal Bond instead of Stormcaller’s Pact to make it good defensively even though it has high life, healing increase and Wendigo Totem on top of it… Again more OA, DA and attack speed would be welcomed. Area for Grasping Vines would be nice.
And the last is Warlord. Righteous Fervor without conversions to lightning and only one RR skill make it the weakest build. And it also doesn’t have access to Wendigo Totem like the other two combos. Attack speed is here the best of them but still low. DA is the lowest and both OA and DA still need to be rolled on affixes. Conversion of Counter Strike would be nice here as well.
The set skill could get some damage reduction also. The set also supports Menhir’s Bulwark so some modifiers for it are also possible but the least necessary.
The Oathkeeper part seems the weakest to me for this set and needs more skill points. Shaman is the best with Soldier being in the middle.