Long, long time ago i read DaShiv Dracaris Incarnate pet build http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52972 and i wanted to do something similar, but also while also beeing in melee together with my minions.
So my main idea was to use fire strike buffed with all the goodies of pyromancer, but with dual wielding Draccaris (the procs stack for whooping bonuses) and use the hellhound aura as another source of damage buff (its easy to 22/12 and bonus it provides is significant). I wanted to be in thick of the battle and get personal, while maintaning that “commander” feeling. The seal of the void provides nice WPS skill and i will use 2 of them instead of rift strike when mobility skill runes come with FG expansion pack.
So i had fun using grimtools a little bit and it looked good on paper.
My OA and crit damage is decent, my resistance reduction is around ~85 chaos and fire.
In game, it has some flaws - damage is not that insane, I think in melee its due to pretty low AS, smaller pets tend to die more often than i reapply all the buffs, and well to be honest I die on AoM last boss :o I think its due to my low DA.
I managed to kill Mad Queen and Sentinel tho with my current setup Also i reached gladiator 100 with current setup (with 3 blessings) - didn’t tried further as i was out of tributes
Devotion reasoning: I use Hourglass for better uptime of pets/buffs and it also helps to have 100% uptime on Dying God. Twin fangs as the main only way of lifesteal. I used Tree of line instead of Meteor shower - was much more tanky, but the meteors give me really decent AoE damage.
My current set up: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPlyalZ
(i don’t use GDstash and i simply don’t have better gear :D)
Something achievable that i aim for: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlKoJ52
“It aint happening baby” setup: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4qvM02