Hyper Light Drifter

On a whim, picked this up because it kinda reminded me of Fez and Bastion.

I’ve played it for a little over an hour and I’m absolutely in love. It’s basically Bastion as a Metroidvania with a Fez-y artstyle and musical accompaniment. It doesn’t hold your hand for anything and even the first ‘chapter’ is brutally difficult. First boss took me a very long time.

My only complaint is that the game is very much more easily played with Controllers as opposed to KB&M…or so I’d imagine. The main issue with KB&M is that the mouse courser blends into the environment of the game basically everywhere. This could be very easily fixed with a higher-contrast image for the cursor or even making the cursor adaptive based on what it’s hovering over.

Still amazingly fun to play and is otherwise beautifully made.

PS: Watch the intro. 10/10.

Good to hear your thoughts, I have been debating picking this up. I didn’t love Bastion, but this looked a little bit faster paced.

loving the game as well. shame that, just like Bastion, it can be finished in about 6 hours. Then again for 15 euro’s i don’t mind


I’ve beaten the 4 bosses and on the last one. Just hunting down missing chips and what not, now.

I can say, without any exaggeration, this is hands down one of THE BEST games I have ever played.

Zelda meets Tron meets Tides of Numenera…

It’s hard as HELL, and I couldn’t be more pleased.

I have been playing it non-stop all weekend, and I don’t want it to end. It is so hard but when you finally figure out a pattern or plan to accomplish a room, boss, or ambush, it’s exhilarating. A couple of times, I wanted to put my fist through a wall (or baby kitten, but I’ve run out of those) over how insanely hard some of the rooms and bosses are. But the artwork and animation is so well done, I kept trying and trying.


Absolutely agreed. I’m two bosses in and trekking toward the third. I’ve fallen in love with virtually every aspect of the game (aside from the shading of the mouse cursor). Especially the music - totally buying that soundtrack on Bandcamp when I get the chance.

I’ve got 14 hours in Bastion and can foresee myself enjoying HLD for twice that due to the sheer fun and amazement of the gameplay. Plus its all open world and you can do whatever you want, which you couldn’t in Bastion.


My only complaint, graphics wise, is that damn faded grey mouse cursor. I do think the controls could be relaxed a bit for mouse/keyboard users. I hate using controllers and I really don’t see how this game could be better played with one.

Also, if you think the other bosses are hard? …yea…no comment on the final boss.

Honestly have only found the first (North) boss hard. East was easy, west and south look pretty easy based on youtube vids. Haven’t spoiled myself on final boss, though.

Looks good. I just passed it by earlier but since you are comparing it to Bastion, I’ll give it a try.

Last boss isn’t that hard.

when he shoots those circles…run past them towards the corner he’ll appear in next. hide in the corner and get free shots while his attacks miss you entirely. He then fades and you need to destroy those small explosives asap…and quickly hide in the boss’s corner again. even his black tendrils are predictable in 4 and 8 directions. Takes about 3-4 tries and then you have him.

Yes I figured out the pattern, but I wasn’t going to post any spoilers here like that. lol…

Shame on you :slight_smile:

Just had a quick play. Brilliant so far.


I have yet to ever find a spiritual successor to Crystalis and intended or not, this fits the bill. It fits it so well you have pretty similar emotions just in the method of introduction. Although everything about H L D is so polished, so deliberate, and so nuanced, that I sometimes get distracted by the wow and die comically.

Crystalis was/is an amazing game that I spent many hours playing when I was younger. Kind of makes me want to fire up an emulator now but I’ll keep my eye on HLD.

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