I am new and with you :p

Hello to all the community,

I’am Disaster, a young(:eek:) French fan of TQ and H’nS.
I played many hours on this game and hopefully play more on GrimDawn.
So why i’am Legendary.

A little about me ?
I love my wife and kids.

See you soon.

Best regards

Welcome and thanks for joining.

I am presently getting wet in Toulouse!

Take this opportunity to eat the sausage speciality ! :smiley:

Hi and welcome aboard, and good that you have joined our community of ours

Hi and welcome!

Enjoy your stay! =)

Hi, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!

You beg so nicely. :wink: Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay! =))


He was smitten with the banhammer :smiley:
Beware the wrath of medierra, he’s searching for more sacrifices.

Also, welcome Disaster!

hmmm… I think that’s why some of the members are no longer active.

have a nice stay disaster.

Hi and welcome to the forum, have a nice stay