i dont understand why he died ! ! !! ! ! !

Your DA on your grimtools link (2265) is high but on your character screenshot, it is 2047 which is not high at all and means you’re susceptible to being crit. Fabius also lowers your DA even further with his aura.

High Resists/HP mean nothing if you don’t have reliable ways to keep yourself alive, DA is more or less the same now too with the nerf a few updates ago. Wendigo Totem and War Cry would help here.

Your Pierce resist is also an issue - Fabius is able to lower it meaning you take more damage. Armour Absorption is also a problem as he does a fair amount of Physical damage.

dude in gm the buff are activated xD

My mistake :rolleyes:. Ignore the point on DA then. The others still hold though.

I’d look at picking up a different medal like a Badge of Mastery w/ + to Savagery or Kymon’s Badge for resists, a different ring than your Closed Fist like a well-rolled Cronley Signet for more Pierce resists and Attack Speed, preferable OA and more resists. These should ease up your resists a bit more. I’d move around skill points as well to cap War Cry and Wendigo Totem like I and others recommend.

Or just swap in a set of Golemborn Greaves when you go to fight Fabius like spanks says to overcap your Pierce and for more Physical resistances and swap back to your Stormtitan Treads afterwards.

Edit: I just noticed that you have 3 useless points in Might of the Bear/Savagery’s transmuter as well :rolleyes:

We understand very well.

Among other problems pointed with yur build, The ring proc only works when you kill something, so you win’t have it in a fight vs FAbius or other nemesis.

And bare in minf that Fabius has Veil of Shadow too effectively rendering your DA under 2000. He will crit the shit out of you

Not really useless I don’t think. The phys res bonus is global.

EDIT: I stand corrected. I thought it was an ultos build. :rolleyes:

yes im going to change rings i think.