i have no idea if they’re good ideas, but I do have them!
first is making ghosts/skeletons/bugs have different color particles when inflicting bleed (i.e. white on skeletons etc)
i imagine this may or may not be even remotely feasible, i dont hate that i can kill skeletons in showers of blood–but I think it would be cool to see “bleed” effects be chipping bone/dropping ectoplasm/idk whatever is inside bugs on those guys
second is making the evade button be a channelled/held down button to act as a sprint, when out of combat. It would be nice to just run place a little faster instead of the weird dodge, run 3 seconds dodge etc
no idea how reasonable this one is either. i bet it’d work great on controller though (i like controller because it has the wasd movement tbh)
third (these are in no particular order) is i wish there were a couple more UI hints, because i dont think that there’s any way to figure out that the (Y) button is how you assign skills when in controller mode. Or if there is I am stupid/bad eyes so maybe make it more obvious? Same with zoom on the world map, I have to grab my mouse to zoom and I can’t find a controller button for it. So i guess its more like please add them or dont make the zoom buttons disappear or whatever
fourth would be a way to disable or change the controller binding of the actual in game camera rotation (default: right analog stick). It’s nice sometimes but most of the time I just play North up because the levels work best that way, and I sometimes fumble that on my comtroller with no way (that i can see, let me know if i am just stupid) to disable the buttons or just lock camera rotation entirely. Or lock rotation but not zoom?
fifth, and I assume you’ve heard this before but i gotta say it. Throw a couple more hairstyles and skin colors and a basic character customization UI. Stuff like overall scale are probably theoretically possible, but different body types would i imagine require a total redo of every armor piece so that’s not something i can imagine happening. But honestly just a couple hair styles, maybe hair colors, couple skin colors… i think it’d add a lot because youre gonna wanna customize your characters gear and abilities why not their looks
sixth, the ability to decrease/remove/increase the splarkliness of in world items and chests and such. Sometimes I feel like it’d be a fun experience to play when its harder to notice the hidden stuff, makes it more rewarding. And maybe some way to make it so controller still highlights enemies but doesnt jump to every crumbling wall revealing them instantly
seventh, higher resolution UI textures. I’m playing at 1440p with UI scale cranked and it’s a little more pixely than would be completely flawless (this is a very minor thing). Probably a pipe dream unless you happen to just already have higher resolution masters (buttons etc) cuz i imagine redrawing everything isn’t an option lol. and while we’re at it make the albrechts aether ray icon change colors when you use the chaos version! and uh probably others i cant think of
eighth (wow i couldnt remember how to spell that one) a more granular system for which health bars to show and where (the one at top, and the one above monsters head) i was wanting to make it so i could only see boss/elite health but i dont think you can do that? you can make them bigger but seemingly not have them visible at any size when the general population of monsters has no health bars. There’s already a lot of options on that page though so who knows if it’d even fit. overload the make big health bars when health bars are turned off?
ninth, just had this brainblast, audio cues for when selected skills are recharged. Maybe (on controller im sure keyboard has it covered) holding down the (A) button instead of pressing it, so it adds a highlighted version to the bar and that makes it ding
tenth, as a more giant systemic change, i think it’d be cool if the music was a little bit more responsive to the environment, or just a bit more consistent? I wanted to hear the music and so i cranked it up and the songs are nice, love the atmosphere they give, but it felt like they kinda jumped around between songs at random. And of course there’s the classic “make songs change or swap when the boss or horde comes” that would also be appreciated since that’s also a gameplay aid
eleventh: while we’re dreaming, I feel like the targetting on controller could be different. This may merely be my skill issue but I was thinking if it felt more “sticky” to enemies as you moved would work well. Or a preference for hitting an elite/boss if there’s multiple in-cone targets. And faster cursor movement when it’s not near a clickable element etc.
twelfth, making beams work different. albrechts chaos ray looks a bit like you’re swinging around a big stick when you turn. i assume its a lot harder to implement it as more of a stream where only the newly created stuff is going in the current direction. You know like what it’d look like if you shook around a hose. this makes sense.
thirteenth, random cosmetic upgrades. mostly im thinking of the “dead guy” they’re all wearing blue jackets. throw some different clothes on 'em! also i think the metal strongbox should be like 10% fancier looking.
fourteenth. more poop jokes. i laugh every time i get the soiled trousers because i am a mature adult. and its funny in game too!
i love this game and just have all these little ideas bouncing in my head as i play. thank you for reading my ideas even if they will never get implemented.