I know there is list of prefix but what about chances/frequency? Barbaric?

I have made many runs to a certain unique boss to try to get a Barbaric Voldrak’s but after 40-50 tries, I did get one of the other type (Troll Bonecrusher) but I need the Crusher.

However, I feel kind of frustrated at this point and already have a Superior Tyrants of Ruin which is fine if slower. So does attack speed really rule a melee build even if not procing a lot of stuff? This is for Witch Blade Cadence a build I find here. I am missing other parts but I thought I could at least get weapon as it is MI. thanks To Clarify I’m trying to farm a Barbaric Voldrak’s Crusher.

you’d have to dig into the tables and see the weights then calculate the % from that
it’s doable, but don’t think there is a current list with that for rare affixes nor weapons with bias factored in too

it’s RNG, voldrak crusher should have some leaning towards barbaric prefix because phys dmg+phys dmg, but it’s still RNG

*you also don’t need Barbaric prefix specifically, there are couple others with attack speed, and most importantly you just want attack speed on suffix since that will have the biggest speed amount

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I seem to have this idea that I can have like Ruin plus high Attack speed and I guess that isn’t really possible. I did find a couple with Alacrity and it seems they are always less Cadence damage (tab 2) than my current maybe because %physical damage is much lower. But I will try some of them out and see what exactly the Barbaric offers to this build.

It was educational as I found one Of Fury and it had 8% physical resist and I think life on it. That would have been great if it had the right damage but nope. thanks

Correction: The Earthbound is what gave %phys res and on the wrong weapon type.

So I finally got a Barbaric Vodrak’s Crusher of Ruin which took more than 50 attempts between different characters. More like over 100 tries. It was the only Barbaric that dropped. Of Alacrity was the build spec. But I had already found a Relentless/Fervor so had +4 to Cadence but the new one has +4 to Olreon’s which I did not have over capped. So lost levels in Cadence, gained in Olreon’s and the net gain is only about 9k dps until I find something to overcap Cadence again. Was it worth it? Well, it is an easy run so can’t complain on that front. Did get a decent number of totems too.

I dont know which devotion route or skills you picked bur personally Id always take the Tyrant’s one (so you dont need DR, and most important, interruption due to war cry) and you dont need empyrions light in devotion (and can go more offensively with oleron)

Dude I just found a Barbaric of Alacrity Voldrak’s in SR today; hopefully I didn’t sell it cause you can have it if you want.