[Idea]: Change bleeding bonus on Gutsmasher to a physical one

So Gutsmasher is a fun looking two-hander obviously meant for a Physical Warder. However, it gives bleeding bonuses to Savagery. Which is an absolute waste since Bleed Warders will always use Guillotine or at least Avenger’s Crusher.

Suggestion: change it to some kind of physical bonus to Savagery or maybe to Modrogen’s Pact (like Fleshwarped Bulwark has).

Right now weapon’s skill modifier is totally wasted and out of place.

It is more likely imo for this weapon to receive more bleed bonus than to be be totally overhauled to physical.

As for Avenger we’ll have to wait and see

The weapon made a lot more sense back when the proc used to deal bleeding damage as well. Kind of a shame it got removed, but I suppose it was an acceptable tradeoff for not having it crash(?) your game every time you tried to use it. :rolleyes:

Now, on the other hand…yeah, it’s in a weird place where I’m not entirely sure if I want to focus on Physical or Bleeding.

Maybe even adding Cast speed and +FW to give 2-H Forcewave some options besides Obsidian Cleaver?

Or maybe as well as/instead of that, a modifier that gives extra bleeding bonuses to FW so that we can also make a 2H non-transmuted bleed build with it. The Savagery bonuses can remain, of course.

I’d much rather this be a bleed-focused weapon than a physical one, to be honest.

I don’t know about that. I made a bleed Warder (theorycraft) and I didn’t like any of two handers on it so I chose to pick dual wield Butcher of Burrwitch. The only two hander I liked on it was Guillotine, but the modifier to Siphon Souls made me deprecate it. There’s a ranged weapon I thought it might work on that Warder, but I don’t know why I didn’t use it. It’s called Gutripper.

I am not saying those weapons are bad, just they didn’t fit this build in my opinion.

Who would ever take it on a bleed warder over Guillotine? Or Gutripper? It doesn’t make any sense, it’s like a third best 2handed bleeding stick in its current state. And Butcher of Burwitch/Shield warders are miles ahead in bleeding department as well.

Also, the way Savagery works, this bleed bonus is just gonna be a small instant damage bonus that is going to be always refreshing, and unless you stupidly choose to go Bleeding route with Gutsmasher, you are not going to have any RR support for that bleeding bonus as well.

Just make a skill bonus something like: weapon damage to Savagery, or crit damage to Savagery, or flat phys to Savagery.

Why make half-assed bleeding weapon when there are already plenty of of much better bleeding weapons out there? There is however only one physical warder shtick, and it’s Nature’s Avenger, and it’s WORSE than Gutsmasher in its current state.

I will if Gutsmasher is more focused on bleeding damage as Fluff already mentioned.

Well, why not to add skill mod for Gutsmasher? For example at least one of the following:

  • convert 100% lightning damage to bleeding damage for Savagery
  • convert 100% physical damage to bleeding damage for Cadence
  • convert 100% physical damage to bleeding damage for Laceration; add % weapon damage and/or add flat bleeding damage for Blade Arc

This thing just needs to become an axe, I want to use it with berserker…

Isn’t having Guillotine, Gutripper and to the lesser extent Nature’s Avenger enough? I mean, bleeding builds are already a boring meta, how many more weapons do you want to have?

Why can’t there be one big mean MELEE (not forcewave) physical 2hander designed for physical builds? You have big mean melee weapons of all tastes and colours, why can’t Gutsmasher be a physical one?

Wouldn’t include nature’s avenger to any extent.

Also the troll stick needs some love

What kind of build do you have in mind?
Phys savagery has Avenger, which would receive a significant overhaul in
If it’s not a Shaman then there’s Leviathan as a generic 2H phys soldier weapon.

So that leaves a spot for 2H that directly supports Cadence or/and spammable Blade Arc with item mods? I think spammable Bladearc support in Gutsmasher is a cool idea since we have Bloodrager set to partially support it already. The damage types on Gutsmasher are just right too

IIRC you can’t use bleed in conversions because of engine limitations

As if Stonefist Rebuke didn’t exist.

Or sharz worldeater. Or luminari blade

These aren’t physical dmg weapons :rolleyes:

Troll from behind didn’t mention anything physical. He said obsidian cleaver that can also be chaos. Personally I wouldn’t do phys FW with it:rolleyes:

Ugh, that would suck. I am playing a physical/trauma warder and afaik this is pretty much the only 2-handed leg weapon that works with my build.

Bleed builds have surely enough weapons to choose from, and I will NOT use savagery! :wink:

why are you playing phys warder without savagery? There is no point in having sahman then, savagery+feral hunger/Zolhan is the whole deal:)

i’d take a look at avenger set, maybe when patch hits

Because it works, I like it and it is fun. Sorry if that offends you.

Why would it offend me lol. Whatever works for you

Hi guys, does anyone know how well Gutsmasher works after Was messing around with one that recently dropped, but to no noteworthy conclusion, besides the fact that a Gutsplosion doesn’t seem to trigger another one on enemy death (no op d3 exploding palm chain reaction for us :rolleyes:).