Possibly a bonus for buying the expansion early. While will o wisp may be fun…
Something like “strange grass” or “a bouncy tassel” and you can summon a cat/goblin monster. That is more passive, but does things for you while alive…in this case, gathers up all yellow/white items…or others and sells them immediately…or goes back to your last rift point, sells stuff, and walks back. (Walking back would be funny, “oh there you are”).
I know those can be turned off not to be seen, however…passing up the extra gold, it would be like a little extra bonus. (cat for nekomata, selling stuff in some games…universes…) Maybe a businessman aetherial? Anyway, the idea is a summon (most won’t want to pass up the slot, maybe make it a relic only component so the novelty isn’t wasted, and doable for everyone) aaand…summoners can have an “attack” front line, and a “defensive support” back line.
Could also add a rifthound/spider type with a backpack/luggage in a cart being pulled.
Tl:dr - special pet/summon that adds someone to pick up and sell fodder for you, to gain that extra cash (may not be necessary), and maybe refill pots without leaving a dungeon/to keep progressing. “come back with a hot meal” lots of fun options.