[Idea] More "Troll Rage" relics

We have a good low level relic called Mistborn Talisman. I really like that relic, and it’s a super good low level relic. However, later on it’s kinda useless because there are other relics that give us something we need.

Right now we’re kinda forced to get Shard of Beronath if we need something that enhances our attacks (if we have no attack replace, of course), but on some builds it just doesn’t work as this is an elemental-based component.

Agree. This is what I really wish in the Forgotten God’s expansion

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What I wish for is class equality.

I HAVE A DREAM that ONE DAY, on the blood soaked grounds of the crucible, former inquisitor pilots, and former Demo pilots will be able to stand together as equals in the face of evil.

EDIT: Sorry for the tangent. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re right. We need more bleed damage stuff.

This is VERY true. IIRC, there’s no X --> Bleed damage conversion.

And, most likely, will never be since there’s no on-hit bleed damage, only per second.

Runic bolts too. Yes, more charge based skills would be greatly appreciated, hopefully get atleast a few more in the expansion. also, a question to add. Do different charge based skills stack in the % bonuses? I was just thinking about doing a triple charge build with high attack speed.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for DoT conversion. I mean, chaos/pierce = flat damage conversion exclusive.

Why can’t the reverse become a reality?

Imagine a set which converts savagery’s electrocution damage to bleed. :rolleyes:





I said “dope” three times in two days. The fuck is with me…

They don’t. These % apply to that particular skill only.

No. if only. Every single build would involve a savagery-runicbolting-beronath’sfurying-trollraging vindicator.

Can’t forget troll rage.

heh, true. anything to exploit massive damage gains, with minimal cost in defense :stuck_out_tongue:

Why not just don’t care about damage and build defense instead?

Wait, isn’t this thread about more “Troll Rage” relics, though? :confused:

I do agree with the troll rage relic. Or a better shard of beronath component.

Yep, we need more charge based skills with different damage types, and higher level based, ideally, in the form of more components dedicated to weapon slots, for melee, and ranged. and while we are at it. Give us spectralsrike/chaos strike, in other damage types, and high skill levels too.

If Crate sees this thread they’ll think what the fuck is this about… And I wanted to make a one-sided thread. GG

I am trying so hard to make a runic bolts focused mage hunter, but it’s so hard. The lack of attack speed in the bow make me crazy.

I feel that non charge auto-attack replacer is better than the charging type. IDK, maybe I haven’t make one that is successful yet.

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Well, arcanist has no attack speed skill. You would have better results going soldier, and grabbing OR, and squad tactics to bring your attack speed, and OA up to Par.

Yeah, but iskandra’s elemental exchange is delicious.
AS can be fixed with 2x cronley ring of alacrity maybe.

Also, technically arcanist has AS from reckless power, but it makes no sense not to take aura of censure in elemental build.

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Well, with the set bonus you get 20+ ele %RR added to inquis seal, so you don’t have to take that aura at all, if you also take hand of ultos devotion, ect… Viper/elemental storm, plenty of flat ele damage, and RR with better range, and effect you can take.

Yes. The % Lightning/Bleeding on Savagery is global. I don’t think % damage on modifiers like Storm Touched is. Looking at Runic Bolts, the % Elemental damage should be global as well.

On topic, wouldn’t mind seeing more Troll Rage-like relics. I also wouldn’t mind seeing more relics or skills like Scourge Strike but for other damage types.